History repeating

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Bonnie Bennett^^

Emma Stallings

My eyes shot open as my alarm clock went off. Without opening my eyes, I reached out to find my phone but all I felt was a warm hard chest next to me. It felt natural and for a second I didn't pull away.

I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his body. I felt warm and safe.

"Well good morning to you too." I heard Damon say.

My eyes shot open and I practically jumped out of the bed. "What the hell, Damon?" I said as I tried to compose myself. I can't believe I just cuddled with him.. and liked it.

"Well you didn't exactly seem to be bothered by it." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I just woke up. Obviously I was out of it and not aware that it was you" I shot at him.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself." He said.

"Maybe I was thinking about Tyler." I said playfully. He squinted his eyes at me as if to say "yeah right."

I walked over to the bathroom and tried to make myself look more presentable.

He followed me into the bathroom. "Yeah and that relationship is real solid." He joked.

"We're only in a bad place because of you." I said.

"It's not my fault he has jealousy issues." He said.

"No but you didn't make matters better." I said to him. "And since you ruined my relationship and kidnapped me and killed yet another person in front of me last night, you can drive me to school." I said. "My car is still at the grill where you left it."

"Oh the great and riotous Emma Stallings needs a favor from me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes Damon Salvatore" I said mocking his use of my full name. "I do need a favor. And by the way, if you're going to use my full name, you should know, my name isn't Emma. It's Emily." I corrected him.

"Emily Stallings" he said testing it out. "Nah. I knew an Emily once. Not a big fan." He smirked. "It's Emma" he concluded.

I shook my head and fought the urge to smile. "Well either way Emma/ Emily needs a ride and you owe me." I said.

"I'll give you a ride if you can persuade me." He said smirking.

"And how do you suggest I do that?" I asked flirtatiously.

"Be creative." He said flirting back.

I closed my eyes and tip toed up to kiss him. He looked suprised at first and then lowered down to my height. Just seconds before our lips connected I shoved him and started laughing.

"No chance in hell dude" I said laughing.

He kissed his teeth and nodded his head slowly.

"That's a shame. I'm a great kisser" he said.

"I'm sure I'll live" I said mocking his comment earlier.

"Guess you'll be walking" he said.

"That won't be necessary." Stefan said as he walked into the room. I hadn't seen Stefan since last night when he nearly killed Damon.

"I just want it known that I am here because I was forced to be, and I shouldn't associated with any of Damon's homocidal actions." I said quickly.

Stefan just smiled. It was good to see. Ever since the stuff with Jeremy, we had been in an awkward place.

I walked away from Damon to get to Stefan but Damon side stepped me and was back in front of me.

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