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Emma and Damon^^

Emma Stallings

I closed my eyes and screamed when I heard the loud bang of somebody landing next to me. I knew it had to be the vampire.

"Emma. Emma look at me." I heard him say. It was Damon.

"Damon?" I asked. I had never been more relieved in my entire life to see him.

"How you doing in there? You look stuck". He observed as he looked into the car.

"Yeah I've noticed" I said sarcastically. Even when wounded I had dignity to maintain.

"Let me get you out of here" I heard him breathe as he searched for a way to get me out of the car without me getting hurt.

"I want you to put your hands on the roof." He explained.

I did as he said and put my hands against the roof which was covered in glass from the shattered windows. The roof was actually under my head because my car was upside down.

"Just like that." He said as he talked me through it. "You ready?"

I nodded my head and he started to count slowly through breaths. "1...2...3" he counted. When he got to three he yanked my seat belt loose and my entire body fell onto the roof. Damon caught me in his arms and held me bridal style as he checked to make sure I was alright.

"Are you okay? Anything broken? Can you stand?" He asked all at once.

He let my feet go to the ground but his grip on my waist remained tight against my body. He slightly started to let me go, testing if I could hold myself up, but as his grip loosened on me, my knees grew weaker and I felt myself start to collapse.

Before I could fall, Damon pulled me back to my feet.

I grabbed onto his shirt in an attempt to keep my balance but it didn't help at all.

"Emma? Look at me" he said. He actually sounded scared. I suddenly started to feel tired. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I looked up at Damon.

"Hey, stay looking at me." He demanded. I tried to do as he said but I couldn't find the strength to stay awake.

"You're fading fast, Emma." He said as he brushed a stran of hair out of my face.

I looked up at him and all I could manage to focus on was his eyes. They were always such a perfect shade of blue covered in many different emotions.

I hated that he still wanted to be with Katherine. I hated it and I didn't even understand why. And why does she look like me?

Does Damon only care for me because I remind him of her? Does he even care for me at all?

"Katherine." I whispered to him, trying to make him understand what had happened, but I couldn't get that many words out.

His face shifted from worry to confusion. I saw his jaw tighten up before everything finally went dark.

A few hours later I woke up and felt very uncomfortable. The last thing I remembered was Damon holding me in his arms and I had asked him about Katherine.

I flicked my eyes open slowly and I felt the sunlight shining bright into my eyes. Pulling my hands to my face, I rubbed my eyes trying to clear my vision so I would understand what was going on.

I looked out of the window and saw fields passing by. "What the hell?" I mumbled.

"Goodmorning sunshine." I heard a voice say from beside me. It was Damon.

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