By the light of the moon

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Elijah Mikaelson^^

Emma Stallings

"Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena asked as she tossed the moonstone onto her bed. The moonstone didn't look like much. It was just a white little rock that looked similar to a bar of soap.

"Right now, it's what is binding the Sun and the Moon Curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless." Bonnie explained.

Sounded like a great plan to me!

"And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful." Elena added.

"Only if he finds out." I said. Apparently Elena didn't think my comment was as cleaver as I did because she shot me a disapproving glare.

"Bonnie, can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. We've got to get him out."

"Stefan wants me to focus on this."

"Don't listen to him. He thinks that he's protecting me, but he's wrong." Elena argued.

"I'm taking Stefan's side with this one. We're not gonna let either of you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual."

Elena shook her head and sighed.

"I'm sure Stefan will be fine alone with Katherine in a lonely tomb, temptation all over the place. Yeah. Sure." I teased.

"He's not Damon." Elena said taking a cheap shot.

I couldn't think of anything to say. That was a pretty good comeback so I did the most mature thing I could do. I mocked her by repeating exactly what she said in a weird voice.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Jeremy asked as he came into the room with Carter close behind him.

"We're not arguing about anything."

Bonnie sighed as she placed the moonstone in her bag. "I need a coffee." she said which was her way of letting us know she was pissed at Elena.

Bonnie exited the room and Carter shot Elena and I an annoyed glance as he crossed his arms.


"Why are you two on some suicide mission?" He asked.

"I'm not suicidal! That's Elena. She's dragging me down with her!" I exclaimed.

"I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt."

"Oh so, bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get yourself killed is okay?" Jeremy asked taking Carter's side. I agreed with the boys. I wasn't wanting to die just so Klaus could break some lame ass curse. The boys shook their heads and left the room angrily as Elena and I watched them leave.

Elena waited a few moments before she started rummaging through Bonnie's bag.

"Um, what do you think you're doing?" I asked.

She pulled out the moonstone and stuck it deep in her pocket. "Come on. We need to do this now." Elena whispered before making her way out the door.

"Oh hell no! I'm not going anywhere with you. Last time you tried to have me killed!" I exclaimed as I chased behind her to stop her.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie asked as we made our way down the stairs.

I looked at Elena curiously to see what lie she would come up with now.

"Um, to see Stefan." She said. So remember when I said her lying skills were scary good? Not so much anymore.

"You're lying." Bonnie concluded.

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