Miss Mystic Falls

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Emma and Damon^^

Emma Stallings

Elena and I were making our way into the school as she spotted Stefan. "You should probably go check on him." I suggested. After last night, I was more worried about him than I had been. He got so angry at that man for being rude to me. It was totally unlike him.

"Hey hot stuff." A voice called from behind me.

"Matt! Hey." I said throwing my arms around him. "How did everything go last night with your mom?" I asked.

"I kicked her out." He said looking to the ground.

"What do you mean you kicked her out? Like out of her own house?" I asked.

"Yeah. Pretty much. I pay all of the bills, including the house note so..." he trailed off. "Besides, I can't have that in my life you know? I'm the kid. She's the adult. I'm not supposed to see her hooking up with a 24 year old and then my best friend right after that." He explained.

Hmmm... so Damon is supposedly 24.

"Yeah you're right. You're a teenager. You shouldn't have to support yourself and another person. I tried it and let me tell you, it's hard as hell. I'm just thankful Jenna let us move in." I said.

"Yeah I'm glad you're here." Matt said smiling at me.

We made our way into Mr.Saltzman's history class. I wasn't sure exactly what to call him. I mean once you go vampire killing with a man, I'm pretty sure that gives you rights to the first name basis thing.

"Okay this week, we are taking a break from our regular schedule to talk a little bit about some local history in honor of Founder's day. Apparently the community leaders feel that it's more important than WWII but hey, what do I know?" Ric said to the class.

Just as he finished talking, Bonnie made her way into the room. "Sorry I'm late." She mumbled as she made her way to her desk. We hadn't seen much of Bonnie since her Gram's passed away.

I gave her a smile which she returned, but when her eyes made their way to Elena and Stefan, her face fell. She looked more scared than happy.

Bonnie turned to face the class and Elena, Stefan, and I all gave each other confused glances. What was that about?

As soon as the bell rang, and class was over, Bonnie darted out of the room as fast as she could. Elena and I chased after her calling her name, but she acted as if she didn't hear us.

"BONNIE!" I yelled so loud that she couldn't possibly pretend she didn't hear. Without turning around, she stopped in her tracks.

We circled to the front of her, looking at her face.

"Bonnie. Hey can we talk?" Elena asked.

"Actually I have something I have to -"

It'll only take a second." I said cutting her off. Whatever was going on, avoiding us wouldn't help it.

Bonnie didn't answer us, but she didn't run away, which was good enough for me.

"Bonnie, what's going on?" Elena asked.

Bonnie shifted her weight uncomfortably and looked around as if she were looking for a way out of this conversation.

"I've just had a lot to deal with since Gram's funeral and all. Plus after you told me to tomb spell didn't work, I didn't really want to come back home." She explained.

"I get that but-"

"I should go." Bonnie said, but before she could step around us, I pulled a Damon Salvatore move and stepped back in front of her.

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