Chapter 1

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<Kellin pov>

I'm just not as excited as the rest of the guys, sure I love that tour, but I'm just not in the right place to do that for a whole three months. I'm talking about Warped Tour, we were confirmed to be on the tour for the entire summer. Now sure we've played it many times before but that was before, I'm just not in the the right place this year. We're heading to the first show date right now.

Sure they told us months ago that we're going to be on the tour, but we just couldn't say anything, and I was excited then. It's just the timing in between then and now. But I do know that we'll be on the tour with so many other talented bands and it doesn't hurt that one is Pierce the Veil, Vic, the lead vocals for them, is my best friend outside of my band. And sure all the guys in his band are great, its just Vic and I hit it off more than I did with the others, and it definitely doesn't hurt that he's nice to look at. But he's as straight as a pole. Unlike me. However nows not the time to get into that.

"Yo, Kels" I hear Jesse say to me.


"Come on over we're going to celebrate" he tells me.

"I don't feel like it tonight" I say.

"Suit yourself" he says and he and the guys walk off leaving me on our bus alone.

I guess throughout my thinking I didn't realize that we got to the first stop like twelve hours early. So with everyone on the bus gone I have some alone time. So I go into the bathroom and take a shower, but obviously I can't help but stare in the mirror at my hideous body, in the reflection. I lower my head and quickly shower without thinking, which is harder to do than you think. I dress in comfortable clothes to sleep in and I lay in my bunk, silently crying to myself.

How did this become my life? How did I spiral off the deep end, when not even two months ago I was happy as a clam and enjoying my life and band, to now when all I want to do is die? Oh yeah....


<Vic pov>

We're heading to the first city for Warped Tour, I can't be more excited because this is our first year on main stage. We've been on before, but never main stage so his is huge for us. I had to say goodbye to my beautiful girlfriend, for the summer, but she knows that this is what I do and we just agreed to call each day. She's the best, I couldn't image anything better.

Jaime's been bugging me to make him food for the last couple hours. We don't let him cook anymore after he accidentally set our last bus on fire, while making bacon. Don't ask me how he managed that, I just know I woke up to smelling smoke and next thing I knew we were all out side watching the thing burn. So Jaime's not allowed to cook again on the bus.

"Come on pleeeeeaaase Vic" he whines.

"Ugh, fine, if it'll get you to shut up" I say giving into his complaints.

"Yay!!" He cheers. "I love you Vic"

"Oh fuck off" and I flip him off and make some food for us.

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