Chapter 24

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<Vic pov>

When Kellin told the guys, Mike and Jaime gave me a look like 'I knew it' well they were the ones that told me that Kellin has a thing for me, then that's what sparked my interest in seeing if it was true ending with me catching feelings for him. I know that this already feels different then any other I've had. I thought I cared for my girlfriend then, it's nothing compared to how I care for Kellin. I hate that we're on different busses just about all the time. I don't want to be away from him. But I have to for some time.

This is so different and new and exciting for me. He's exciting to be around. Maybe since I've known him for years before hand and already know each other we don't have that whole awkward getting to know each other thing. We already know what makes each other tick or like and so on.

After that awkwardness we just sat around on my bus watching a movie together. We did end up making out through it which got some comments from the guys yelling at us to stop. To which I answered with a single finger (the middle one) they simply rolled their eyes at me and left it there but as the the day went on and it got darker Kellin said he should be getting back to his bus and he left. Now I'm left the the guys and their all itching to ask questions I know it, since they didn't earlier.

Kellin wants us to to be the cute and cliche couple, which is fine, I don't mind, we just have to be us and we'll be perfect.

"So your dating Kellin, how'd that happen?" Mike asks.

"Oh come on I'm sure you saw it coming" I try and say.

"Yeah I did sorta with that whole thing we talked about a while ago I had a feeling it was about him" he tells me. Maybe I wasn't as cryptic as I thought if he knew it was about Kellin.

"Oh" I just say.

"It's alright I was expecting this at some point, that's why we told you Kellin likes you I just knew, you light up around him so one way or another I knew it was going to happen" he tells me.

"Ok well I think I'll go to bed now I'm getting pretty tired" I tell them.

And that's what I do, I go to the back and my bunk and lay down. Lots happened today that I still need to process.


A/N: I know this one chapter is short but I hope the one before make up for it. The next section won't take long to get out (I promise), Small mcr reference, no I actually don't know when I'll get it out but I'll try and not take so long.

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