Chapter 11

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<Vic pov>

I don't know, wait what's going on? Ugh my head hurts so much. What the fuck happened?

"Good morning" I hear someone say.

"Shut up" I groan at them.

"Ooo, someone woke up the wrong side of the bed this morning" realizing it's Jaime talking. I just flip him off. "That's what you get for drinking so much last night"

"Ughhhhh" I just moan in pain.

Oh yeah, it hits me again why I drank so much. Although the headache it's preventing me from crying since I'm more focused on it. I walked into the bathroom to grab the aspirin and I take a couple then go back to the bunk. I just lay there thinking about Dani. Once the pills kick in my headache lessons and goes away. Then the flood gates open up and I start tearing a little. Then it's full on crying.

I bury my face in my pillow and just let it out. Soon I feel a hand rubbing my back. I look to the side and see Mike. I don't even bother to say anything and I go back to burying my face.

"Come on Vic we have the day off let's go do something to get your mind off this" He says to me.

"Mike there's nothing that'll get my mind of this" I tell him even if it's muffled through the pillow.

"I didn't catch that"

"There's nothing that could get my mind off of her!" I said louder.

"Ok, ok well let's go out get you into some fresh air then, we can talk about it if you want?" He says.

"Fine..." I sigh.

"Ok get dressed and we'll take a walk" Mike says.

I slowly make my way to the bathroom and freshen up as best as I can. I change clothes and I go out to the lounge and see Mike, Tony and Jaime talking. I pretty sure I know what their talking about, by the sympathetic looks I'm getting from them I ignore it and just walk off the bus to wait for Mike. He comes and we just walk around the other buses.

I'm very thankful that I have my brother with me in the band and around all the time.


<Kellin pov>

I decided to go seek out Vic, hopefully that this will get him off my radar for a while while I try and get myself together. I've pretty much accepted that happened between me and him, my disgusting ex, but it still hurts, but not as much anymore. It happened and there's nothing I can to change it but accept it and move on, cause I realized that if I kept letting it control me and scare me, than I was letting him torture me while not even being here. And that was a liberating moment that I realized this. It was like most of the weight I was carrying lifted. Sure I still have some problems with myself because of this, but I'm working on it. I may not have mentioned this but I've been FaceTiming a therapist while on tour without anyone knowing. She's a lifesaver, truly.

Anyway getting back to Vic, I still have my feelings towards him. But I know I can't. So I'm going to hang out with him like he wanted and hopefully we could go back to how things were. I'm currently walking towards the PTV bus. When I hear Mike talking and I see Mike and Vic walking towards me.

"Hey guys" I say making my presence known.

"Oh hi Kels" Mike says. But Vic doesn't say anything, that's strange.

"What are you doing?" Mike asks.

"I was actually coming to see you guys, well more specifically you, Vic" I say then he looks up at me.

"Why me?" He asks in a sad way.

"Well you wanted to hang out the next time I had the time and today we have off so I was going to see you I know we haven't hung out in a while, because of me so I just wanted to make it up to you" I explain to him. He nods.

"You kinda picked a bad time Kels, but if Vic wants to talk you then I'll just leave you guys to talk" Mike says. "Do you want to Vic?" He asks him.

Vic thinks about it then nods. So Mike nods in understanding and pats is shoulder.

"If you need me I'll be on the bus ok" he says to Vic. Once again Vic nods and Mike walks off.

He then looks at me for the second time since I've been here. And sighs.

"Hi Kellin" he says unenthusiastically.

"Hi" I say. "I'm sensing that something happened, so what happened?" I ask him.

"I could lie and say nothing, but, but—" he cuts himself off with the tears running down his cheeks.

I quickly wrap my arm around is shoulders and bring him to the side of the parking lot so we can sit in the grassy area.

"Vic..." I say softly while whipping the tears. He just looks at me with the saddest puppy eyes. It's actually hurting me to see him like this and I don't even know what's wrong.

"D-Dani broke up with me"  he says and the tears flow harder. Hold back the smile, hold it Kellin. Ok I shouldn't be this excited about this calm down pretend to be sad about it.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that Vic" I say with as much sincere I can muster up even though I'm actually the opposite. "But you know if she's crazy enough to do that to you for whatever reason it was, than she just let lot of the best person ever"


"Oh hell yeah, Vic your the nicest person I know, who cares about people and if she can't see that, than screw her, she ain't worth it, I know how felt about her, but she obviously didn't feel the same about you and be lucky that you know that now and not later on when you were actually going to do that" I tell him.

"I guess you have a point, if I were to actually propose to her and she said no then I don't know, it would probably be worse, thank you Kellin, you're a great friend and I'm glad to have you as one" he says to me. Then he hugs me, I enjoy it while I can.

So for the next couple hours it was just Vic and I talking getting reacquainted, it was great talking to him again, I can't believe I did what I did and avoided him. But I'm just glad that we could go back to the way it was. Although now I'm that much better knowing he's not with Danielle anymore. This could be the start of something good.

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