Chapter 4

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<Vic pov>

So today our set is a bit later in the day, and since the guys are being annoying I think I'll walk around see what's going on. I tried to call Danielle before I left the bus, but she didn't answer the call, so here I am walking around passing bus after bus.

I a few old friends that I haven't seen in a while like Oli Sykes of Bring Me the Horizon along with Austin and Alan of Of Mice & Men. I hang out to talk with them for a while, but they both had sets right after each other so they and their bands left. I continue to walk around. I come across the Sirens bus, so I decide to knock and see if their there. I heard some shuffling around, and the door opens to reveal Jack.

"Hey Vic long time no see" he jokes.

"Yeah yeah"

"Come on in" He says and I follow him.

"Hey" I hear another chorus of from the rest of them.

Jesse, Justin, Gabe, Jack and a few of their touring members like managers and and such. But there's one face I don't see. After a few minutes of chatting with them I decide to ask.

"So where's Kellin hiding?" I ask.

"Oh, he sleeps whenever he's not on stage, so he's in the back" Justin tells me.

"And you never thought to ask why?" I ask.

"No cause then he'll get mad and storm off the bus, he's been very moody and sleepy since tour started"

"That's unusual don't you think?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll pull through, it's probably just that his boyfriend left him right before tour and he's not over it yet" Jesse adds.

"Boyfriend, who?"

"Dunno, we didn't meet him and Kellin never mentioned him except for one time when he picked him up from band practice however he never got out of the car so" Jesse continued.

"Oh, well it sucks that that has happened, but surely he'll be over it soon" I say hopefully.

"He better, his moodiness is annoying as all hell, but we still love him like a brother so we deal with it"

"Well if you guys need me let me know, he is one of my best friends as well so I want to help him if he wants it" I add.

"Good to know man" Gabe says.

I glance at my watch and see that I gotta be going to set now.

"Well I better get going I have set in a few so I gotta go, if he needs anything let me know" I say.

"No prob, thanks for stopping by Vic" "see ya"
"Break a leg" I hear from the guys as I left their bus to find my band.

I tried not to focus on what I found out, and to just concentrate on the set and putting on a good show for the fans. After the set we all go back to our bus and I think about what I found out. So Kellin had a secret boyfriend. Now to me that sounds suspicious. But I can't say anything to that since I know nothing about it, but clearly and rightfully so bothering Kellin that they broke up right before tour.

I decide to call Danielle, just to see what she's up to. She answers and it's the first time I'm talking to her for real this time since I left.

"Hey babe" I say to her.

"Hi Vic" she says. "So how's it going?"

"It's going great actually, there's not a lot of drama going on. Only with Kellin really"


"Oh apparently he had a secret boyfriend he didn't tell anyone about and thy broke up and he's been moody since so other than that not much, but the fans are amazing" I explain. "What have you been up too"

"Oh you know modeling and shopping like always. Getting my hair and nails done the usual I guess" she tells me.

"Well since theres time difference between us I better go to get some rest before tomorrow, where like really early in the day"

"Ok love you"

"Love you too" I say to her and then the hangs up.

I go back to laying in my bunk thinking. Thinking about her, Kellin and just warped in general. Until I fall asleep.

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