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<Vic pov>

It's been 2 years now. Two years since I lost the love of my life, my best friend and happiness.

I've been living with Mike and his girlfriend Alysha ever since. It hasn't been easy. Not in the slightest. I'm just numb now I haven't done much of anything I've been told by our manager that we have to get our shits together and work on our next album but I can't get myself to play or write songs. Cause if I did they'd all be sad and about Kellin.

The guys come around every now and then to check up on me. I mean it's nice of them, just not necessary to be honest. I don't need them looking out for me. Everything around me has lost all meaning, and it's like my world went black and white with all shades of grey. I don't know how to feel anything but numbness and depression. I know they have their concerns since I've lost a lot of weight unknowingly, it wasn't in purpose I've just been so sad that I don't have an appetite majority of the time.

"Vic" Mike says.

"What" I say uninterested.

"Come on you've got to get out there again, get some inspiration to write" he says.

"I don't need to go out and do that" I say flatly.

"Ugh, you how exhausting it is to be doing this, watching over you all the time" he says.

"Sorry Mike I didn't realize I was such a burden on you" I lie. I knew that I was, I just didn't think he'd actually say it.

"You know what I mean, and I didn't mean it that way"

"Oh and what way did you mean it then?" I ask him.

"I just wish you'd get over him, it was two years ago now, you have to move on, you don't have to forget, but just get on with your life Vic" he says.

"It's not that simple" I say.

"I get that, but you're not doing anything to help, you can't keep going with the way things are, Vic it's not healthy for you, I want you to live on your own again without me fearing for your life" he says.

"Look Alysha and I have been more than welcoming and lenient with you the last couple years so you gotta start doing something for yourself Vic, I want you to be happy again. I want us to preform again one day, to do what we were meant to do" he says.

"Look I don't think I'll be able to write new songs Mike" I tell him.


"I don't want to talk about this anymore, just go do what you have to do and I'll be in my room" I say and walk away from him.

I really didn't want to tell him. So that's why I just walked away. I know it doesn't go by anything I stood for a while ago. But that was before this happened. Kellin getting killed was hands down that worst thing to have ever happened to me, and he was right I can't keep living like this. So I know how I'll solve all our problems.

I didn't plan on doing this for a while, but it's was still planned so what's the difference if I move it up a bit. I already know how I want it to go. It'll be quick and clean. The only thing standing in the way is Mike, I don't want him to be around. So whenever I get the chance I'm alone that's when it'll happen. I don't know when that'll be.

Actually I have a different idea. I think this will be better than what I thought of before. I just go for a walk later.

(A couple hours later)

"Vic, we're going to go out for a little bit, we need some groceries so we shouldn't be too long ok" I hear Mike say.

"Ok" I say.

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