Chapter 22

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<Vic pov>

I watched as Kellin walked away, what he was saying to me five minutes ago is repeating in my head. Was I actually just scared like he said. He's right I've never experienced it, let alone know much about it. Maybe I'll just take his tip and do my homework on it. Just not tell him about it. I don't want him knowing that he was right. And I don't want any of the guys getting any ideas either.

I went into the bus after making my decision and I grabbed my laptop off the table, and my earphones and took them with me to my bunk. And I do what I have to do. We have a long drive to the next venue for tomorrow's show.

Ok so after five hours of that I realized I'm more attracted to men then I thought I was, and now I'm very uncomfortable in a curtain area. I really don't know how I feel about it but I'm willing to try one day. It'll just have to be the right time, like an in the moment type of thing. When all of a sudden the curtain opens

"Hey Vic—"

"Ahhhhh" and I quickly shut the computer.

"What were you doing?" I see Jaime standing there.

"Nothing! Now what do you want!" I snap at him.

"We need you to cook something for us?" He says.

"Hell no, you guys don't need me to cook, you got Mike and Tony out there, get them to do it" I say bitterly.

"I tried and they won't, pleeeaaaseee Vic" he whines.

"Ugh, you morons can be so annoying" I complain, then crawl out of my bunk and head to the main area.

"What is it guys want?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"Whatever it is you want to make" Mike says.

"Come on, don't play games guys what do you want" I snap again.

"Geez what's made you a sour puss today?" Mike comments.

"Doesn't matter, just tell me what you want" so tony came up with what to do which was just tacos, which I don't need to cook, just prepare so now I don't know why thy couldn't do it themselves but whatever now. I gave them their tacos and I took one and left to my bunk again.

I decided to text Kellin, that's how the night went on.


<Kellin pov>

When I got back to the bus I realized I left my phone there. And the guys were looking at me.


"Well you got multiple calls from a blocked number" Jack says to me.

"Oh?" I say nervously.

"Yeah do you think it's him?" Justin asks.

"I hope not" I say and I grab my phone and check the number. Then I stiffen, and my breathing gets quicker. It is him oh no he's after me again. What do I do. I know I have to tell Vic.

"Well was it him" Justin asks.

"Yeah" I say weakly.

"Kels you have to change your number" he tells me. That's not a bad idea.

I don't answer him out loud, I just go into my bunk wanting to be alone. I see I got a text from Vic now. I have to tell him.

Hey babe what's up?

Uh, I got multiple calls from him I don't know what to do help


Yeah Justin thinks I should change my number

Babe that's a good idea we'll do it tomorrow morning we both don't not going on till late in the day

Ok sounds good thank you Vic 😘

Anytime darling 😘

We spend a little more time texting then he tells me that he's tired and about to fall asleep so I said goodnight to him and left it at that. I don't know who I'm going to sleep myself. I know I said I was over it but I didn't expect this. I don't know how but Vic is the best and I know I love him I just can't tell him yet. We just started dating, so it's not like he's going to say it anytime soon.

I decide to suck it up and try and sleep. Who knows what will happen.

" can't be here anymore" I say.

"But babe you know you want me more we have history" he says.

"Doesn't matter! I don't care! You were nothing but an abusive prick and I can't let you be here!" I shout.

"You watch your tongue slut or I'll make you pay for it" he threatened.

He keeps the distance between us short, meaning he's right against me he's getting pleasure from watching me in pain. He's always been intimidating to me. I can't help but start crying as he's pushing his lower half against mine making me sick.

"HEY! Get your filthy hands away from my boyfriend!" I hear a shout from behind him. Then I see the top of Vic's head. And I silently thank god for savior.

Vic rips him away from me and I can't do anything but crouch onto the floor in like a fetal position while crying, while Vic beats him up. I tune out everything around me. I can't focus on anything right now, I've also closed my eyes so I can't see anything as well.

"Are you alright darling" I hear Vic's comforting voice next to my ear. I nod, not trusting my own voice. He just wraps his arms around me in a protective hug. Never letting go....

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