Chapter 13

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A/N: Sorry it's been a while longer than expected but I sorta lost motivation to write for a while and well there was a lot going on so I couldn't mentally focus on writing, I know this is short hut hopefully it will hold over for a few days, but I promise that I'll have the rest of this section out by the end of this week. Idk when exactly but definitely by the end of the week. Well I hope you are enjoying. And thanks for reading.

Now carry on ❤️


<Vic pov>

A month has gone by on Warped Tour and I can't believe it. I've hung out with Kellin just about everyday since last week when we hung out and I talked to Mike about my emotional roller coaster. But I've gotten over Danielle and I don't ever wanna have anything to do with her ever again. I've deleted her contact and the pictures we took together. It was what I needed to get over her just delete her it's not so easy when it comes to my memory but I'm getting there and I think I'm just going to go with the flow.

By now all the fans know that we've broken up, because I deleted everything and they got suspicious so I just told them. Some were upset cause they liked us together, but all were supportive and accepting of the outcome. I get a lot of questions on if I'm gonna to start something new soon. And I actually had to think about that. I don't know when I wanna start a new relationship.

But with everything I know about them is that they can start at the most unlikely times with someone who didn't cross your mind at one point. So I'm just going with the flow for now and we'll see what happens. But I was taken out of my thoughts with I got a text from Mike.

Mike: hey where the hell are you the sets about to begin!!

At that I sprinted out of the bus and out to the stage, thank god I got there in time and right on cue. I jumped on stage and starts singing and playing 'Hell Above'. We went through the set as planned then we decided to bring Kellin on stage to sing our single 'King For a Day'. So that was a real crowd pleaser. So I think we're going to start doing that song everyday now. It was a lot of fun.

"Great job guys" I say to them all.

I was going to stay and watch Kellin's set, since it's right after ours today. Might as well right? Anyway I've also noticed that Kellin's been better, since the start of tour. He's hasn't been hiding away in his bus as much anymore. Which is good, I guess he's finally getting over his ex then. Able to move on. But why should I care anyway. He's only my best friend and nothing more that's it. I don't want to bring it up, but I definitely noticed.

Even if what Mike said keeps playing in the back of my mind. I have noticed that I've been hanging out with him more but that's only because we like the time together and he basically shut me out for three weeks and he wants to make it up to me. I've also had what Jaime said a few weeks ago playing alongside what Mike said. Could Kellin really be into me, I've tried to observe his mannerisms around me but I can't tell. So I'm just going to say that it's not true and leave it there.


<Kellin pov>

I can say I'm over him all I want, no matter how much I try and move on from him I get knocked three steps back every time I get ahead. For the first time I felt like I was actually getting somewhere with Vic, but my fucking insecure ass got in the way. I was trying not to let it affect me, but it's harder than I thought.

I watched the PTV set today and all the screaming girls in the front were starting to get to me, well actually it was Vic reaction to them that was getting to me. I know I shouldn't have, since you can tell that their high schoolers or something like that he'd never do anything like that, but it makes one unsure, meaning me.

I was brought on stage and we sang our song together then I went to get ready for our set with is right after Pierce's. Vic looks amazing today. I was a bit nervous to be near him actually. Which is crazy with how close of friends we are, but it's always this thing I have for him that makes me like this. But I don't know if I could handle a relationship but if it's with Vic I might just go for it if I know that he feels the same, cause is not it might threaten our friendship.

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