Chapter 10

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<Kellin pov>

I don't even know anymore. A few more days have gone by and we have tomorrow off, and I'm looking forward to it, cause I get a chance to rest. We just had our set and signing and now like always in my bunk worrying over everything. I don't know what I'm going to do if Vic comes knocking on the bus door, maybe I should just hang out with him for one day, how bad could it be. I'll get him off my case for a while and then I can not worry about him, until I can control my emotions with him and everything else that's been going on.

Life sucks.


<Vic pov>

I can't wait for our day off tomorrow, the promise that I made with Kellin the other day, well I'm going to go and see him. And I can't ask for anything more. There's a small chance that he's going to bail on me, with the way things have been going. Even though I know that small chance is there, I'm not thinking that way, I'm going to stay optimistic and hope we do meet up.

He hasn't said anything to me in the days after that conversation even though so that chance might me bigger than I had originally thought. I know what will take my mind off this, Danielle. I take out my phone and FaceTime her again.

"Hi Vic" she says.

"Hey babe" I say "What are you doing today"

"Oh not much just hang out at the house today I don't have to be anywhere until tomorrow" she tells me. "So how you doing?"

"Alright I guess, Kellin still hasn't really talked to me except for the one day but it was quick" I tell her. I notice her rolling her eyes and sigh.

"What" I say.

"Ugh it's just so exhausting listing to you constantly complaining about him" she says.

"Sorry if I annoy you so much" I scoff.

"Yeah it is annoying, you've been complaining about him for weeks instead of doing anything about it" she says getting mad.

"Well sor-ry, it annoys me that my friend doesn't talk to me" I say getting mad myself.

"You know the way your longing for makes me think that your dating him and not me"

"That's ridiculous" I spat back.

"Is it now, 'oh I miss him talking to me' 'oh Kellin this and Kellin that' Jesus Vic makes you sound like a fucking girl or just gay" she says mocking and making fun of me.

"Well you haven't exactly been helpful in the situation either baabe, if I remember correctly your supposed to help and not accuse, cause your my fucking girlfriend" I say angrier.

"Not anymore I'm not" she says.


"I'm tired if this Vic, we're done, o-ver" she says.

"You can't dump me over the phone" I shot back.

"Well I just did, bye Vic" she spat and hung up.

What the fuck just happened. I just stared at my phone for a while not comprehending what's going on. Then it hits me like a train at full speed. Danielle actually broke up with me over FaceTime. I stated crying. Does she not understand how much I love her, I was gonna actually propose to her. No not anymore I can't. What am I gonna do now?

"Uh, Vic you ok in there?" I hear Mikes voice from the other side of the curtain. I just shook my head, then realized he can't see me.

"N-no" I squeaked out.

Then the curtain opens and I see Mike looking at me then he wraps his arms around me. That was unexpected, I love my brother but we don't always show it. When he did that the tears came harder and it hit me that I lost her forever.

"Vic what happened?" Mike asks me. 

"D-Dani br-broke up with me" I choke out.

"Oh I'm sorry, why though"

"I don't really know we were arguing, she was complaining about my complaining about Kellin and we got into this whole fight and she said it was over just like that"

"I see—"

"I've lost her" I sob out. "I was gonna propose to her I love her so much how does she not see that"


"I thought she knew that I-I —"

"Alright shh, we'll talk about this later when your not crying, ok so calm down and we'll have a few drinks ok" he tells me.

"Ok" was all I was able to say.

"Ok let's go get Tony and Jaime" I just nodded.

We walk out to the main sitting area. I've calmed down enough that I'm not crying but I'm still breathing heavy.

"There you guys are- whoa what hap—" Jaime starts.

But I see Mike give him a look and puts his hand near his neck telling him to shut up or not talk. Mike thought I didn't notice but I did.

"Come on were just gonna go out and have a few drinks come on" Mike says to them.

They look at me and I can't exactly read the expression on their faces, it might be worry but I can't be sure. So Mike and Tony left the bus to buy a couple cases of beer and some whisky. I was left on the bus with Jaime. He didn't really talk to me, I think he was afraid to, not knowing why I was upset, it was obvious I was. I don't blame him, I don't want to talk about it right now anyway. I just wanna sit here and drink I just gotta forget.

When they came back on the bus I was the first to open it up and take one out and start drinking it. I know this is unusual behavior from me, I'm not a big drinker, but I don't care right now. I finished it a few minutes later. I went to grab another one and I crack that one open too. I just ignore the weird looks I'm getting from the guys. The beer isn't cutting it though, so I open the bottle of whisky Mike bought hoping that it'll help a bit more.

"Whoa there Vic, I don't think you should have that much" I hear Mike say.

"Oh shut up you've had more then this" I snap at him.

"Yeah but I wasn't upset and not trying to drown my emotions Vic" he shoots back.

"Oh just leave me alone" and I went back to opening the whisky and pouring some into a cup. After I finished off that cup I went to fill it up again but it was taken from me.

"What the fuck" I say getting mad.

"You've had enough Vic" Mike says.

"I told you to leave me alone, besides I'm older than you" I tell him slurring a bit.

"Yeah and I'm your brother looking out for you so shut it and go lay down"

"Ugh" and I walk away from them. I can't believe him it was his idea in the first place.


<Mike pov>

It hurts me what Vic is doing to himself right now. I've never seen him so upset let alone drinking so much. Tony, Jaime and I don't know that to do with ourselves, usually it's the other way around. But we only had one each just so we cam look out for Vic. I haven't told them why he's doing this, but I think they have an idea I'll tell them once Vic goes to sleep.

I can't believe Danielle would do something like this to Vic, but I don't want to get involved in their relationship or lack there of now. But still I know it's hitting Vic hard cause he really loved her. Cause more then once he's told me he wanted to marry her. So I know it's hard for him.

I let him have the two beers, but when he started for the whisky I had to say something. Cause he can't exactly hold his liquor. He's not a drinker and the most he has if any is one beer so. I just hope this doesn't affect him too much that he becomes an alcoholic. I'll just have to keep my eyes on him.

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