Chapter 25

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<Vic pov>

"Hey Kell?" I say to get his attention.

He's sitting cuddled up next to me on our bus while we watch the ending to Harry Potter. Mike is watching as well.


"Well I was thinking, with Warped Tour being almost over what are we going to do after? You live in one state and I live in another?" I say.

"Don't worry Vic, we'll figure something out?" He says then leans up to peck kiss my nose and goes back to watching the movie.

I don't know what we're going to do, but if he's not worried about it then I'm not, we'll figure something out. I just thought he'd have an idea that's all. Now that the movies over he sits up and is checking the time.

"Oh crap, I gotta get going I have set in twenty minutes!" He says.

"Ok well I'll see you later" I say.

"Definitely" He says then kisses me and leaves the bus.

"Well it seems like things are going well with you guys?" I hear Mike say.

"Huh? Oh, yeah they are" I stutter out. He gives me a look. "What?"

"You love him don't you?" Mike continues. I almost choke on air when he says that.

"What! What makes you s-say that?" I say nervously. I think I do love him but it just feels so soon so I don't want to say anything.

"Oh come on Vic I can tell, it's super obvious"

"I-It is?" I question.

"So it's true?" He asks.

"Yes" I finally admit.

"Then what's the problem?" He asks.

"It's just so soon isn't it? Like we only started dating like three weeks ago now" I say.

"No I don't think it's soon, ok maybe a little, but who cares? You two have known each other for years you are best friends. If it were any other circumstance then it'd me more concerning but it's not, Kellin's a great guy, so if it's like that then great but tell him I'm sure he'll he happy too" Mike says to me.

"Mikey how could he love me back it's not been a long time and I don't think I should say anything just yet" I say.

"Vic you're dense as a door nail, if you can't see that that boy is over the moon for you then you really are dense"

"You think so?"

"Vic I know, I see it when you two hang around here" he says. "Well I'm going to see what Tone and Hime are up too"

He leaves the bus now it's just me. Should I just tell Kellin? I don't know. It just feels like it hasn't been that long and I don't want to get in over my head and end up getting back to what happened after Danielle broke up with me. Cause let's be honest I don't think I could handle that again so soon. Like it's only been a month since that happened.

How could I actually think like this I do really care for Kellin and I love him, but I'm afraid too. I've never had any sort of relationship with a guy and I'm scared of the unknown parts of the relationship. But I'm sure that Kellin will help me navigate that. And take things slow. But over all Mike is right I have to tell Kellin that I love him. 

And I have the perfect plan.


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