Chapter 6

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<Kellin pov>

After the guys questioned me to no end and me ignoring them, they finally stopped. I gave very minimal answers as possible to them. They may be annoyed at me but I just can't talk about it with them right now. I know there my best friends and basically brothers but it's just something that I can't talk to them about without it exploding into something more than it is.

So ever since yesterday when I decided I need to avoid Vic so there's no farther questioning from him, it's been a lonely 12 hours. But I have been thinking a lot and thankfully we have a day off today and I don't have to do anything. However tomorrow morning is our next set, he's not going be there thank Jesus, hallelujah. If I had to go through that I don't know what I would do, never come back out and panic once again.

For today I'm just going to lay right here in my bunk until I have to leave tomorrow morning. And no one is going to tell me otherwise.


<Vic pov>

I'm happy to have a day off today, it gives my voice a chance to rest and for us to go out and enjoy the day. But the guys are currently sleeping off their hangovers. Cause they thought it's be fun to see who could chug the most beers in five minutes. Since I opted out I kept tally of how many each of them had. Mike had seven, Tony had seven and Jaime had six, so to break the tie, they did shots of whiskey. Mike ended up winning in the long run. Now I think they're regretting it now.

But me, I'm up and drinking my second cup of coffee and checking my social media. While thinking about what we should do today. So with it being nearly 1pm I decide to wake them so I pull the covers off of Jaime first, he didn't move a muscle. Next I pull the pillow from under Mike's head and he just groaned. Ok. Then I open the curtains so the sun shines on Tony's face, his face contorted and he flips over.

Hmm, I know. So I go and grab the air horn and make it sound. The guys jump from their bunks and fall. To be honest it was quite funny. I quickly put the horn back and sit back at the table with my coffee casually like nothing happened. One by one the guys shuffle out from the bunk area and ask what that loud noise was. I act like I never heard a thing. And I don't know what they're talking about.

They look at me then to each other and Tony goes to one of the cabinets to get the aspirin and hands each of them two small pills. They take them and now their each having coffee as well.

"So what do you guys wanna do today we have the day off" I ask them.

"First lower your voice some of us are hungover and can't be as chipper as you, and second I don't wanna do anything today so find someone else" Mike says to me.

"Tony, Jaime you guys feel the same" I ask. They just nod. "So it wasn't such a good idea to drink so much last night now was it"

"Fuck off" they say and I bid them a good day and leave the bus.

I think I'll go see how Kellin's doing after yesterday. So I take a walk to the Sirens bus, I knock on the door and I see Gabe open the door.

"So what you going to live here now?" He asks jokingly.

"Very funny, but Mike, Jaime and Tony thought I'd be a great idea to chug beers last night so now there all hungover and told me to leave them alone so here I am, also I wanted to check on Kellin after what happened yesterday" I say to him.

"Oh ok makes sense, come on" He says.

"Well Kellin's in his bunk if you can pry him out, but Jack and I are going to get food, want anything?" He asks me.

"No thanks" I say simply.

Then he and Jack leave the bus leaving me with Justin and Jesse.

"Which is Kellin's bunk?" I ask.

"The middle one on top" Jesse tells me and I walk in the back.

I pull the curtains and he jumps with a shocked look on his face.

"Hey hermit" I say joking.

"Oh hi Vic" he says shyly.

"Come on wanna go hang out" I ask him.

"Oh not really I'm not feeling well" *cough, cough* "I Uh, need to rest my voice" he says. Ok that's bs.

"You know you're a really bad lair, if you didn't want too, you could just say so your my friend and you shouldn't have to lie to me" I say.

"Sorry" he mumbles. I walk away from him and off the bus, I saw Jesse and Justin give a look as I walked off.

I go back to the bus and not in the mood to do anything anymore I grab a beer and go to my bunk to call Danielle. I need to let off some steam.

"Hey" she says to me.

"Hey beautiful" I say with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Well we have the day off and I since the guys are all hungover I went I see if Kellin wanted to hang out and he fucking lies to me saying he's sick and doesn't feel like it, but I know Kellin he's a horrible liar and I left him and came back here to call you"

"I see"

"But he's one of my best friends why should he feel the need to lie to me" I ask.

"I don't know babe, did you ask him?"

"No he just mumbled a sorry and I left"

"You let your temper get the better of you then"

"Well I just wanted to cheer him up after yesterday then he lies to me, he's never lied to me" I go on complaining.

"Vic you need to deal with this with him and not me"

"But your my girlfriend and I'm supposed to tell you what's bothering me"

"Yeah but not when I'm trying to get to a photo shoot, so I'm going to have to let you go, love you" she says.

"Ugh, alright, love you too" and I hung up.

Ugh what has today become, so I lay here and finish the can of beer and put the tv on.

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