Chapter 18

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<Kellin pov>

Fuck. What just happened. I'm obviously back at the bus and honestly confused. Vic Fuentes actually kissed me, but he seemed embarrassed but I've waited my whole life for that moment. And he ran away just like that. Before I had the chance to say something. A smile crept onto my face and it won't go away. It's he most genuine one I've had in such a long time.

I don't know what's going to happen now. Actually I don't even know what happened or why. What does this mean for us. Hell I'm giddy, I never in a million years thought that would happen and now that it had I want it to happen again and again. It was the best kiss I ever had.

"What's with you?" I hear one of the guys say. I look up and see it was Jesse.

"Nothing" I say in a dreamy way.

"Ok it's something" he says again.

"Don't worry about it" and I put the tv on to ignore them.

I don't really want to deal with them right now, not on this high of exhilaration. If this goes the way I hope then life might actually be on my side for a change. But let's be real, it probably won't happen with my luck. But I can't think like that, stay positive Kellin.


<Vic pov>

What on the earth possessed me to kiss my best friend? I can't tell you since I don't know. Maybe it was the fact that it felt like a date, or I was just missing the company of someone. I don't know maybe I just like Kellin.

"What's the matter with you?" I hear Mike say.

"I've done something and I don't know what to do about it" I say.

"Like what Vic?" He says.

"I can't say" I tell him.

"Oh c'mon, your my brother for God's sake, you can tell me"

"I may or may not have kissed someone" I say.

"Oh, then what's the problem?" He asks.

"The problem is who I kissed, ok"

"Well who was it?"

"I can't say"

"Why not?"

"Because it's embarrassing and I don't want you saying something about it" I tell him.

"I won't say anything I promise"

"Still I can't"

"Fine be that way, maybe you should just talk to whoever it was about it ok, and get over it, like I'm glad your finally moving on from Danielle but if your worried it's cause of her then don't, if she was a good girlfriend to you she's wouldn't have been bitchy enough to dump you over something so stupid" He finished and left me there.

Mike left just like that and now I have thinking to do. Maybe I need to talk to him, but just not right now. I have to get ready for our set, we're one of the first ones today. So it's early, then the signing is like an hour after, but now it's just hard when I'm so distracted.

Here we go.

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