Chapter 16

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<Vic pov>

I received a text from Kellin asking if I have a few minutes to talk. But since we had a signing at that time so now that it's done I texted him back and told him that I can now if he wants to.

Kellin: at signing, be done in ten

He texts back quickly, ok well there's nothing I can do about that. So I'll just wait ten minutes and wait for him to be done. So I lay back at watch tv in the mean time. When I the text that he's done I shut off the tv and walk off the bus to find him. When I do he see me and smiles and waves me over.

I head over there and he sits down in the curb and I do too next to him. There's a few moments of silence between us, I look up at him from the ground.

"So what'd you want to talk about" I ask breaking the silence.

"Oh right. I uh. I was going to tell you something" He says. Ok I'm getting nervous.

"Like what?"

"Well remember what I said about my ex?" He asks. I nod. "Well I get nightmares about it and they're bad" he says nervously.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that have you told anyone about it?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"That's why sometimes the guys look at me weirdly they'll hear me have a nightmare and wake me up. I was told I scream and stuff sometimes" he tells me. I nod.

I'm not entirely sure what to say in times like this. This is a little unfamiliar to me but I'm listening and trying my best to say something helpful.

"You know Kellin, I'm no expert on this kind of stuff and I don't really know what to say about it, but I'm glad you told me and are able to talk about it that takes a lot of courage so I applaud you on that, and if there's ever a time you need me you know where to find me and you can call me anytime" I say to him.
Then I wrap my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you Vic"

"No problem, wanna hang out tomorrow we have to day off we could go somewhere and take our minds off this for a while and just have a little fun that's not preforming" I suggest.

"That sounds great" he says.

"Well if that's all I have to get going we'll be leavening in a few minutes to get to the next venue" I say.

"Of course, go on" He says. As I stand up. "And Vic thanks again"

"See ya Kellin" I say and walk back to the bus.

On my way back to the bus I can't help but think about why Kellin tells me all this, and not he's friends in his band. Then it dawns on me. Jaime must be right. Kellin must like me cause why else should he tell me and he seems so happy around me I've noticed, and he acts different around me than he does with the others.

Now I've never seen Kellin as anything other than my best friend, since I've been so blinded by my girlfriend, as understanding as that is, I wonder how long this has been going on? Cause the way Jaime talked about it, it sounded like it's been years. But I can't be sure. Since he is dealing with the aftermath of his ex.

Sure is Kellin a good looking guy, yeah, he is. I say this with out a second thought. And are we closeyeah. Now I think about what Danielle said right before we broke up. "...Vic it's like your dating him and not me" or "... Jesus Vic, it makes you sound like a fucking girl or just gay". Could what she said be true though? I can't see how. I've always liked girls or at least I thought I did. Cara and I broke up after drifting apart after high school, and there were a few quick things here and there with other girls. Than Danielle and I break up over, you know.... but does that mean anything? It just means I haven't found the one right?

However ever since I've known Kellin I've always seemed to make an exception when it came to him. I'd literally do anything for him. Is that normal for friends? Like anything really. Does that mean something I'm not aware of? Ugh, all this thinking is hurting my hurt. I need an opinion. It's now I realize that I've been staring and standing out side the bus for a quite a few minutes.

"Michael!" I shout to get his attention.

"What!" I hear him call back.

"Can you could be here for a minute?" I ask. There's no answer but shuffling going on then the bus door swings open and he comes over to me.

"What's up bro?"

"I kind of need your opinion on something" I say.

"Ok what is it"

"Now before you get any ideas I wanna make this clear that nothings going on and I just need a second opinion ok" and he nods. "Ok, how do I word this?... have I always treated Kellin differently than I would say you guys?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He thinks about it.

"I would have to say so Vic why?"

"I don't know, I was just thinking. But what makes you say that?"

"Well ever since you met him you get his light in your eyes where you guys are around each other, and you always seem to depend on him a lot and make excuses for him" he says to me.

"Really I do?"

"Yeah we've all seen it many times. Like you had it for a while with Dani but I didn't see it there after a while, but it's always been there for him"

"Oh" I say in a shocked way. I never really thought that. There a small silence between us as he's looking at me.

"Do you think there's a chance I like him without knowing it?" I ask. He doesn't say anything for a while.

"Yeah I think so Vic" he says.

"But I'm not gay or anything" I say.

"Vic you could just be bi, or just you made another exception for Kellin" he says smirking at me.

"Ok whatever thanks" I say and we go back on the bus to head out to the next venue even though we have off tomorrow, we all just like to get there early.


A/N: Well here's the rest of the section. I hope you all enjoyed and hope you all had a great 4th of July. The next one shouldn't take too long to get out. Thanks for reading!

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