Chapter 23

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<Kellin pov>

I woke up confused. I don't know why, but I did. That's not the only thing, I woke up to loud and frantic knocking on the bus door. I groan and yell at someone to get it. Eventually I hear someone get up and walk towards the door. I didn't see who being that the curtain to my bunk a still closed.

"Whoa calm the fuck down dude, we're just waking up" I hear Gabe's voice say. He must have gotten the door, I didn't hear anything before that.

"Where's Kellin?" Wait that sounds like Vic's voice.

"Where do you think he is, in his bunk" Gabe sasses.

I then poke my head head out of the bunk to see what's going on, then he comes up to me and hugs me. Now I don't mind the hug per say, I'm just so confused as to why he's like this.

"Uh, Vic what's up, that your like this?" I ask genuinely.

"What you texted me last night dumbass, I have to make sure your ok" he says. I roll my eyes with his comment.

"Uh I think the guys are probably curious about this might as well tell them" I whispered in his ear and motioning between us.

"Oh right, good you said something I was about to kiss you and I forgot about them" he whispers back to me.

Then he stands up since he was crouched in front of my bunk. I follow and stand up as well and I see that indeed that the guys are looking at us curiously. I go to the bathroom and freshen up and do what I have to do then I go back out to sit next to Vic, and I set rather close to him.

"Ok what the fuck is this, first you come bombarding the bus and now he's sitting like that is something going on that we should know about?" Jesse asks us.

"Yeah there is, so deal with it" I say then I kiss Vic. I pull away and give him a sassy smile. I see the guys giving us shocked looks.

"Ok so many questions, one, how the hell did this happen?" Jesse continues to ask.

"What do you mean, we've been friends and we're always close but then it changed a bit that's all" I answer.

"I thought he had a girlfriend" Jack says.

"Well then your slow to know things since his girlfriend broke up with him weeks ago" I tell Jack.

"I meant that how'd it change enough that this happen" Jesse asks,

"Ok what is this the third degree, we're together deal with it and now leave us alone these questions are getting ridiculous" I tell them.

But the guys didn't stop, they kept asking us questions, Vic even started answers some, I don't think it's Vic, since they know Vic, I think it's the idea of me having another boyfriend after him, that's worrying them since I told them. Since it wouldn't stop I literally took Vic's arm and we left the bus. It just wouldn't stop. So I had to do something it was actually ridiculous I had to tell him tha this is Vic here and that they know him, so I didn't get what the problem was.

I took him outside to kiss him a little. He was getting into it, until he stopped.

"Babe, any reason they were like that?" He asks me.

"It's probably got something to with the last relationship like I told you I told then too and now I don't know they're crazy" I say.

"That's sweet they're looking out for you though" he says.

"Yeah" I say nonchalantly.

"Come on we'll go to my bus, might as well tell them too right" he says.

"Ok" I say giving him one more kiss before we walk there.

So we walked on they were confused on seeing me, but then I explained everything to them, my past with him, to all the way now with Vic. Mike and Jaime gave Vic looks, I don't know what that was about but they were supportive nonetheless. Which was great, now we don't have to hide, and just be cliché couples.

I love the whole cuddling and just being cute thing, that I didn't get before. Because he hated that. But I gotta stop thinking about him and leave him where he belongs in the past. This is going to take some time. But I have to try or else Vic's not gonna like it. He never actually said so but I just feel like he isn't going to like it.

This is going to be great I can't wait to see what this will bring, I know it's already amazing and it's only been a couple weeks.

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