Chapter 17

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<Vic pov>

Now it's our day off and I'll be hanging out with Kellin today. I'm going to test myself to see if what I said yesterday is true. I'll be aware of my the way I talk and act around him. If I don't notice anything, then there's nothing and Mike was wrong. Kellin said he's on his way here.

Knock knock

Well he looks nice. Wait! Did I really just think that? Well I guess if I don't say it than it should be fine. Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Let's go with that. So I walk out of the bus with him and we walk around to find a place to hang out, I don't know this town so I'm not sure what we're going to find we're currently in Virginia. I can't wait till we get to California and I can play the home shows. But now, I have to focus on today.

We haven't really said much to each other I don't know why, it's like there's this unknown tension or something that I can't place. I do notice he keeps glancing over ever now and then then looking away blushing. That's different, maybe there is a chance that Mike and Jaime are right about this. We come across this diner type of restaurant so I think that a good place.

"Hey Kels is this good?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure" He says.

We walk inside and the hostess seats us at a small booth by a window. It's cozy here, now a waitress comes and greets us. We order a couple of drinks she smiles and goes off. Now I think is a good time to strike up some conversation.

"So Kellin, how are things going? Any nightmares recently?" I ask him.

"Things are fine at the moment, and no thank god I haven't" he says.

"That's great Kels, maybe your that much closer to healing for good" I say to him.

"Hopefully" He says. Then looks down. That's when I noticed the waitress is back with the drinks.

"So you guys ready to order?" She asks us.

"Yeah I believe so, Kellin you go" I say.

"Oh, I'll uh, have the... regular burger" he tells her she writes it down then looks to me.

"I'll have the same" I say. She writes it down and goes off once again and now it's just us again. There's not many people here, but it is around lunchtime so it's understandable but still a bit weird to me I think.

Kellin and I talked like normal, after we ordered he seemed to calm down and we're just like every other time. The conversation flows naturally again. The waitress comes with the food and we thanked her she left. As we ate it's comfortable I'm glad to see him eating, after he fainted a while back I've been worried about him. But I know the guys are watching him now.

Once we were done at the diner we paid and left. We decided to just walk around the town that we're in. I could have sworn that most than once his hand brushed against mine, and I'm not going to lie it's not exactly what I was expecting, there was like this comfortable-ness and spark that I never noticed until now. Was that always there? I don't know but I know it is now.

We are looking around and I kept catching myself whenever I'd look up at him to see his reaction, or just simply smile. It's like unusual to me that I'm taking this much notice to the little things he's doing. What's happening to me?

We're almost back at the buses finishing up or day off that is going great. It's probably the best day of the tour and we didn't even play today, but that's ok. Right? Anyway, we stopped in from of the lake that's across from the venue. Kellin's really thinking about something, I don't know what, and I'm not sure I should ask. But I think I wanna know in case it's something major.

"Hey everything ok, whatcha thinking about?" I ask calmly and smile at him too.

He looks up at me and doesn't really do anything but look up at me he's about to speak when there's this pull and unknown urge and the next I know I'm kissing him. Yeah, I said that; I kissed Kellin.

Before I had time to realize it I pulled away and I think it's more shock more than anything but I ran. I ran away from him leaving him there. Obviously feeling embarrassed, I didn't stop running until I reached the bus and the door actually almost hits me in the face, I didn't see who was coming out. I'm to much in a rush to get in and hide. Now I'm hiding in my bunk. Great. What have I done...


<Kellin pov>

He kissed me. Whoa.

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