Chapter 9

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<Vic pov>

A few more days have passed. Warped tour is amazing as ever and the fans are great. The only way it could be better is if I had my best friend outside the band talking to me. We don't do many tours together so the ones we do are special. But he still hasn't really talked to me and I still don't know the real reasons behind all this. Of course I have the theories from the guys, I've tried to ask his band too but they don't even know.

So getting ready go on stage I take a deep breath and get on stage we always start with 'Caraphernalia' it's a real crowd pleaser. To get them all pumped and excited. During the song I did notice a certain someone in the back of the crowd that made a smile appear for me, and I continue on with the set as planned and we end with 'Hell Above'.

Then from the set we go right to the signing, we get off stage and walk to the tent. There's already a long line formed. The hour and a half goes by father fast for the signing and now we are staying to see Bring Me the Horizon's set then Sirens is right after. So I hung back hoping to potentially have a quick conversation with Kellin after.

Oli absolutely killed it up there, expecting nothing less he's always a great performer I did see a mosh pit open up during there set, I had to hold Mike back from jumping in though. Can't have him injured or anything before the end of tour otherwise we'd be screwed.

We migrated to the back of the stage as there were finishing up, I told Oli and the rest of the guys that they were great. He thanked us and they went off to do what ever it is that they have to be doing. The stage crew are setting up for Sirens I see a crowd forming in front of the stage for them. Now I see the guys walking up to the back of the stage. Ok I know it's been a while since I've talked to Kellin but Jesus he looks horrible, I'm worried now. But I pretend not to notice and smile at them nonetheless.

"Break a leg out there guys" I say to them in passing.

"Thanks man!" Thanks Vic" I hear them say.

I stay and listen to them cause why not there my friends and I've always really liked listening to Kellin sing. Ok the sounded weird, I just mean, he's a good singer. Yeah that's all.

So they are amazing and the crowd is going nuts for them. Kellin looks like he's having the time of this life up there. Which in a way is good since I know he hasn't exactly been the happiest this tour. So to see him actually enjoying something is great. By now Mike, Jaime and Tony have gone off somewhere, not sure probably the bus but I can't be sure. Well I'll figure it out later.

Once the guys are done I see them leaving the stage. I tell them they did a great job. They thanked me, but I stopped Kellin before he had the chance to run away again.

"Hey Kellin" I say kinda awkwardly.

"Hi Vic" he says to me putting his hands in his back pockets.

"Great job out there today, you always kill it on stage" I say. Why is it so awkward to talk to him now?

"Oh thanks, you did great yourself today I was able to catch the last two songs"

"Thanks" then there's an awkward silence moment.

"Well I better be getting back to the bus, I guess" he says breaking the silence.

"Sure, but one thing Kels"

"Yeah?" He says almost in a worried tone.

"I miss talking to you, ya know as one of my closest friends, so if you ever have some free time let me know" I say.

"I will" he says.


"Promise" He says.

I give him a friendly smile and he goes on his way. Since I know the guys are gonna wanna head out to the next location soon I might as well go back to the bus.


<Kellin pov>

I feel bad that I lied to Vic. It was sorta an empty promise, I just don't want to let him down anymore than I must have already. Him saying that he misses talking to me makes me feel even worse that I've been doing this. But there's no other way.

I get to the bus and I go to my bunk and that's that. We have a long drive to the next city and I want to sleep I can't stand all the guilt and sadness anymore. So without even caring to change into more comfortable clothes I just climb into the bunk and stay there.

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