Chapter 28

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<Vic pov>

There's a loud banging noise and suddenly Kellin collapses next to me. I crouched down to see what's happened with with all blood that's gushing, it's hard to tell. What the—

There's this loud chucking behind us. I see his monster of an ex standing there holding a gun. All I saw was red.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I yell. "I OUTTA KILL YOU!" I started pounding him. When I heard a coughing. I saw it was Kellin. I left the bastard there and quickly went to his aid.

"Shhhh, Kels you'll be ok, stay with me babe. I love you so much, look at me babe" I sobbed trying hard to stay calm for him.

"I-It hu-hurts" He says in a pained whisper.

That's when I whip out my phone and call the police, and I called Mike telling them to bring his band and everyone else I told them Kellin was hurt badly, and to hurry. I heard hurried footsteps coming up behind me. Now I was sobbing while holding Kellin, that's when I heard the sirens of the ambulance, and a bunch of people running up to us. I looked over to where the son of a bitch who shot Kellin was but he fled. Dammit.

"Sir we need you to move" one of the paramedics said.

"No!" I shouted.

That's when I felt a couple pairs of arms pulling me away from Kellin. I could tell that one was Mike, but my vision was so blurred from my crying that I couldn't tell anyone else. I wiped my eyes and I saw them loading him into an ambulance and I broke from Mike's arms and run up to it and tried to get inside.

"I'm sorry but if your not family I cannot allow you to ride" the same medic said.

"But I'm his boyfriend!" I shouted at her. She just seemed to ignore me.

"Please!" I plea.

"Oh alright" she agreed and I climbed inside and they closed the door and sped away to a hospital. I can't think, can't talk. I have no idea what's going on when I suddenly see all black.


<Mike pov>

After receiving a frantic call from Vic sounding hysterical I knew something wasn't right, though I had no idea where he was. I knows that he had to be near the busses. So I grabbed Tony Jaime and the rest of the Sirens' guys and we ran around the parking lot looking. I heard whimpering and crying knowing that had to be Vic. But I wasn't expecting the scene in front of me. Vic was hunched over Kellin who was bleeding like crazy. I almost threw up myself just seeing it, I've always been queasy around large amounts of blood. That's when I heard sirens, police sirens.

A woman went up to Vic and told him to move but he wouldn't, I finally found energy to move and I leapt forward to get him out of the way, Tony and Jaime saw what I was doing so they helped me. He was really putting up a fight with us. Once we got him away far enough that the medics could get to Kellin he started to wipe his eyes. I was still holding him back. But as they were loading Kellin in the back of the ambulance Vic broke out of my arms. And ran over to them. After pleading with the medic I saw him getting in and they drove away.

We all sorta just looked at each other and we knew that we had to go and follow them to the hospital. We all ran to the same bus which happened to be ours, we told our driver to hurry and follow the ambulance. He did and we all waited. Cause that's all we could do. And the worst part is that we still don't know what happened.

When we arrived there we all went inside and I saw Vic sitting in a chair with his face in his hands. I don't think nows a good time to ask. We'll just have to wait til he's clam enough to talk. I hug him and he sobbed into my chest soaking my shirt, but I don't care. I have to be there for him. He's my brother that's what we do.

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