Chapter 14

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<Vic pov>

I was watching from the side of the stage as the boys in Sirens kill it up there. We're right after them today, which it's why I'm watching also that there my friends so I like to support them.

They just got done with a song, and there getting ready to play the last one of the set. However there's something odd about the way Kellin's talking right now, he's introducing the song and it's like he's slurring or something. When he suddenly falls to the floor of the stage. The guys are crowding him and seeing what's wrong. It's taken everything in me to not run out there next thing I know Jesse got to the mic and said that there cutting the set off early. Jack is now carrying Kellin off the stage towards us. They set him down on the side and start tapping his face, he stirs and he's waking up.

"Someone get him some water!" Jack shouts.

One of the stage guys runs over with a bottle of water and hands to Kellin. He drinks a sip and then looks at us weirdly.

"What happened?" He asks us.

"You fainted on stage" Jack tells him.

"Really?" Kellin says.

"Yeah, you ok though?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he just bushes it off. I can see the fans still standing there waiting to see what's happening. Now Jack and Justin are helping him up.

"Kellin when was the last time you ate something?" Justin asks him.

"I don't know probably sometime yesterday or the day before it's no big deal" he says shocking me as well.

"What! Are you insane? no wonder you passed out! Go eat something now!" Justin freaks out.

"I'm fine really—"

"No! You go now, never mind I'm coming with you to make sure" he says and drags Kellin away.

"Hey Jess, is that normal for him, to not eat like that?" I ask pulling him aside.

"Yeah unfortunately, we can't ever get him eat with us, he eats after us usually and alone in his bunk so we don't know how much and it's usually junk or a fruit" Jesse tells me.

"I can't believe it how long has this been going on?"

"A while, I don't know why though" he tells me then he and the rest of the band walk away, meanwhile the other band was playing on the other stage and and the stage crew were setting up for our set.

Once the band finished on the other stage we're told to get ready. First to walk out is Tony and Mike. He goes behind the drums and hypes up the crowd. Then Jaime walks out and strums his bass. They start the rhythm of the first song in the set which today is 'Carapheranalia' when it's my cue to go on I run out and and start singing and playing. Jaime takes over Jeremy, from a day to remember's, part. Now that that song is over I talk to the crowd.

"Hello Orlando!... Hope you all enjoyed that first song, I know a lot of you are wondering what happened to Kellin, but he's fine and he was taken care of with the help of his friends, he was just over heated, he'll be fine. Now we got a new one for you all this songs called 'Hell Above'"

And we going into playing that one. The guys starts a little bit before I finished speaking. So now it's time for me to sing.

Once the set is done I run off stage and go to find Kellin and the rest of them. It's takes a little bit of running around the venue but I find them. And there all watching him and talking to him.

"Hi guys" I say making myself known.

"Hey" they say. Only Kellin didn't say anything, but I wasn't expecting him too.

"Well you guys can go I'd like to talk to him if I may" I say.

"No problem" and they get up and leave as I sit next to Kellin. He doesn't say anything or even look at me.

"Look I'm not going to say anything if you don't want me to, ok, I didn't come here to scold you like a child, I came to see how you're doing as a friend and if you wanna talk I'll let you talk before I do" I tell him.

"Thanks you're about the only one who's not acting like I'm a child, but I don't really wanna talk about it" He says.

"I get it, but can I ask one question?"

"I know what your going to ask, you wanna know why I skip meals right?" He says.

"Yeah pretty much"

"Please don't tell anyone, especially the guys about this but I'll say a little to you, ok. Well it stems from the relationship I was in, he wasn't just physically abusive, he was verbally and emotionally as well, he would say I was fat and ugly and all that, now as much as I thought I was over him and all that thinking, some habits die hard, and I wasn't thinking and I just was in a routine that I got used to not really eating while with him that it just stuck with me after it ended, so that's why ok" he finished.

"Oh my god, Kellin that's horrible, I'm glad you're out of that relationship, and you deserve better, your no where near fat or ugly, ok I hope you find the right guy who treats you the way you're supposed to be treated. He'll come along, probably when you least expect it too" I tell him.

He then wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Vic that's nicest thing I've heard in a long time" he says to me.

I just sit there hugging him waiting for him to let go first, cause from what I've learned, you never know how long or much they need it. So after a minute or so, he lets go and we go back to talking about other things. Then I walk him back to his bus. And I tell the guys to take it easy on him and not question him to much, just to keep an eye on him.

I walk to my bus where I find Mike and Tony playing video games and drinking a beer while Jaime is snacking. Yep nothings changed. They asked who he was I just told them he's fine and that he's going to take it easier. They just nodded and went back to what their doing. I grab a beer as well and watch them play Tony's Star Wars game.

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