Chapter 27

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<Vic pov>

After Kellin left to go to set, we all sat for a little while longer, then I went to watch his set. Casually on the side of the stage where he'd notice. When I got there they were already on there second song. But then he looks over from the stage, smiles and continues on.

Once he's done, he runs off the stage and jumps on me, I caught him then he goes and kisses me. I wasn't expecting it, but not complaining either. Ever since our last date, a couple nights ago we've been clinging more and more to each other. We went back to the barbecue with everyone else, and just enjoyed the evening.

He was sitting on my lap, when we returned, Kellin and I were mostly kissing while everyone else was talking to each other. But soon he lays his head on my shoulder I guess he's tired.

"You getting tired darling" I say to him.

"Yeah, a little" he says then yawning.

"Wanna go to bed?" I ask. He nods.

"Will you stay with me?" He asks.

"Of course" then he kisses my cheek, and we stand and say goodnight to everyone, we go to his bus, and lay in his bunk, he falls asleep almost instantly. I lay there for a while thinking about everything. Soon I fall asleep too.

When I wake up I see that Kellin's still asleep next to me. So I don't want to wake him I just stay where I am, he's so cute when sleeping. But then the curtain flies open.

"Kellin—" Justin says.

"Shh" I say.


"It's alright he's still sleeping though" I say.

"Oh ok then" then he leaves us.

I try and detach myself from him and walk out to everyone else and get some coffee.

"Justin what did you want to tell Kellin?" I ask sitting next to him.

"Oh I was just going to warn him that his ex's band is going to he on today" he says.


"Yeah, so I was going to warn him to try and stay out of sight as much as possible" he tells me.

"That's it he's not leaving my sight today" I mumble to myself mostly.

I finished my coffee and I grab another one and take back to Kellin so I can wake him. I wanna tell him the unfortunate news.

"Kellin" I say calmly.

"Kels, time to wake up babe" still nothing. I know, then I lean down and kiss him. Soon I felt him kiss back and he starts to stir, and I see his eyes open. He smiles at me.

"What a great way to wake up" he announces. I smirked at him.

"Want coffee?" I ask. He nods and I hand him the mug.

"I love you Vic" he says after a sip of the coffee.

"I love you too Kellin. But there's something I need to tell you. Justin told me that your ex's band is going to be on the tour today" I say.

"Oh" was all he said.

"Yeah, so I wanna let you know that I'll be with you every minute of the day, to annoy and protect you" I say to him.

"I appreciate it Vic, but you think that's necessary?" He asks me.

"Of course I do, Kels I don't want you to get hurt" I tell him.

"Fine, thank you Vic you're to sweet" he says leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Only for you babe" I tell him kissing the top of his head.

We eventually get up and he changed his clothes. Then he came with me to so I could change my clothes and say hi to the guys, plus let them know what's going on. I saw when I have set and when Kellin has as well. We go on right before them today, I remember that we're now in Pomona now. Our signing is before the set. Kellin's is this morning.

Couple of hours have passed now and it's time for my set. Kellin and his band are staying on the side of the stage. While I'm singing out to the crowd in front of me. I have to pretend everything's cool, so there's not suspicion. I don't want to fans to think anything is wrong. It's not there business to know these kinds of things. Towards the end I bring Kellin on stage and we sing 'King for a Day' together. It went well we left stage so the crew can set up for Sirens. We all stayed where we were since it's thirty minutes till he goes on. The other stage was up, they alternate.

I look out to the crowd quickly and I see that his bands tent is right there in front of the stage of course it's a good like 200ft away from the stage you can still see them. They're having a signing. I felt like I'd be sick. I decide to tell Kellin so he's not surprised.

"Hey babe, I hate to deliver bad news but he's here, there, at his tent signing" I say showing.

"I can't" He says.

"Babe you have too, be strong and I'll be right here for you" I encouraged him.

It's time for him to get up there, there's a large crowd out there. I gave him a reassuring kiss. And the guys walked up there, getting onto the first song, Kellin went out there. Nervous for sure, but you'd never know by watching him. He's absolutely killing it. I'm so proud of him. When his set finished we decided to just walk around for a while passed busses and some friends stopping every now and then to to talk with them. It's a nice sweet time with Kellin. When...


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