Chapter 2

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<Kellin pov>

"No! Just stop!" I yelled at him. Cause he started yanking my pants off.

"I know you want it, because your my slut and that's what you do"

"Not now I don't want it" I said weaker giving in.

"I don't care if you want it, whose in charge here?"

"You are" I say meekly.

"Correct, so shut up and part your legs you whore" he angrily says to me.

I do as I'm told, cause let's face it I have no say and he doesn't even care that I'm crying and screaming for him to stop the whole time or that he's hurting me more ways than one. He's supposed to be my boyfriend, even if he hasn't been acting like it recently...

"Wake up!" I hear.

"Ahh!" rubbing the top of my head as I jump up hitting my head on the bunk.

"What was that for?" I ask seeing that it was Justin that woke me up.

"Kell you were screaming and crying in your sleep I, uh, we, weren't going to let you just suffer like that"

"Whatever" I mumble jumping out of my bunk and going to the bathroom. I get a few curious look thrown my way as I walk out of the bathroom on the bus.

I look around and see them all staring at me. But I ignore it and get ready for the set that we're playing in a couple hours. It's the first day of Warped Tour, and I have to put on a happy face and pretend that everything is fine.

"What are you all staring at" I ask everyone getting pissed at all the weird faces that my bandmates are giving me.

"Dude I think it's obvious, there's clearly something your not telling us and when we heard you screaming and thrashing around it was obvious that's there's something wrong" Justin speaks up.

"Everything's fine" I deny.

"What" I ask after he gives me the "Your obviously lying face" or as some call it the "bitch please" face.

"Leave me alone, I'm fine, it was just a bad dream" I pretty much yell at them. Then I leave the bus and just walk around the other busses, that is until I came across a familiar looking bus.


<Vic pov>

It was a normal day I guess, the first day of Warped and our first time on main stage, which is exciting for us. Can't believe we've reached that point. But the show went great, we played early today. So now we have the whole day to kill, the guys and I approach our bus only to notice, the person I was least expecting to be sitting there by the door.

"Hey Kellin" I say walking up to him. Only that's when I noticed he's been crying. Now don't ask why, I have no idea.

"Hey guys" he says wiping his face and standing up.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Just stuff, but don't worry I'll be fine" he says.

For some reason I don't entirely believe him, but for now I smile and allow him onto our bus. He follows Jaime, I go after him and the other two behind me. He sits on the couch in the bus and just sits there. They guys and I are just looking at each other not knowing what to do.

"So Kellin, What brings here to our bus?" Jaime asks him.

"I - I missed you guys so I came to visit, that and I was pissed at the guys" he says.

"What did they do?" I ask him.

"Doesn't matter, can I just crash here for a while until our set?" He asks us.

"Sure why not" I say.

The guys all went to their bunks I stayed out with Kellin on the couch to catch up with my best friend outside the band.

"So what's been going on" I ask.

"Not much" he mumbles.

"Ok now I know somethings wrong. Come on spill it" I nudge him.

"The guys woke me up from a nightmare and they kept staring at me, they said I was screaming in my sleep, after I came out of the bathroom I questioned them and I got pissed and left" he explains.

"Oh, ok well that sucks but forget about it now, what do you want to do, I haven't seen you in a few months catch me up in the world if Kellin" I say.

"Oh, there's nothing different really" He says. "So tell me is there anything new with you?"

"Well same old same old, Danielle and I are great, you remember her right?" I ask him. He nods. "Well I'm thinking to popping the question to her" I think out loud.

"What!" He says out loud. "I mean that's great, good for you" He says.

"Sorry I was thinking out loud, I want too, but I don't know when's the right time though" I say trying to distract myself from his reaction.

"Well it's never going to be a good time, until you actually do it, so it's entirely up to you" he says in a sad way.

After a couple hours Kellin started crying again for no reason, it was weird, I tried asking him why but he says he's fine, but I'm getting nervous since he has to preform soon. I better get him over to the main stage where is band is probably waiting for him. I'm also nervous as to why he started to randomly cry, this isn't anything like the last time we hung out. He was so happy and enjoying himself now he seems the opposite, I wonder what went wrong.

After a long discussion and persuasion I got him out of our bus and to follow me to the stage.

"Hey Sirens, I found something for you guys" I say to them as I'm coming up to them. And I pull Kellin in front of me.

"Kellin! Where the hell have you been?" Jesse yells.

"Ahh, you may not want to do that" I chime in.

"Just wait till later, we're on now anyway" Justin says and hey go on the stage. I'm about to leave when Kellin stops me.

"Can you stay" He asks.

"Sure" I say and I watch there set.

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