Chapter 5

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<Vic pov>

I had decided to watch Sirens' set today, since we just got done with a signing, and it's been about a week since I found out that about his secret boyfriend. He's been killing it on stage everyday. There have been bands that decided to join last minute of course Kevin Lyman approved before they played but I didn't think much of it. It happens often.

The set was going great he just finished one of the favorites, 'If You Can't Hang', now Kellin took to the mic to say that they're doing a new one next so it starts and I like it so far, I know they guys are working on a new album. That's what they told me anyway. I'd say their now about half way through it when Kellin suddenly stopped singing. They all looked confused and so does the crowd. Next thing he runs off. They guys are just staring in the direction he left in. I guess I should go find him so I push my way to the back and I still see him running so I go and follow him.

We haven't played yet, we're playing in a couple hours. So I finally catch up to Kellin, one thing I noticed that I didn't before was that he was now crouched on the ground and sobbing uncontrollably. I quietly walk up behind him hoping not to startle him.



<Kellin pov>

We had just started to preform a new song off of the new record that'll be coming out in a few months but it was when I saw him in the crowd that I couldn't handle it. I stopped and ran off stage. I after a few minutes of running I crashed and landed on the ground between two busses. And sobbed. I knew right away I was having a panic attack. I cried into my knees and I was rocking back and forth. I should have expected this. When I heard his band was going to be at this date I tried to stay cool. But I just couldn't.

After a few more minutes I heard footsteps behind me. It can't be him right, he wouldn't follow me. Then again he probably would. Unless it was one of the guys, but their probably to confused to come after me. So I brace myself for him.

"Kellin...?" I hear only that wasn't the voice I was expecting. That's Vic.

"Kels? You ok buddy" he asks with worry laced in his voice.

"Do I look alright to you!" I snapped at him.

"Sorry I'm just trying to help, I saw you run off stage and your my best friend so I was worried about you"
He says. "May I sit with you?"

I just nod and he sits down, I without a second thought wrap my arms around him and continue crying into his shirt. He just lightly rubbed my back comfortingly. After a few minutes he crying slowed down and he looked at me. I know what he's going to ask.

"So what happened?" He asks. I knew it.

"It's noth—"

"Don't give me that bullshit Kellin, it's something, something big, and it's affecting you, I knew something was wrong the first day, but let it go cause I didn't was to be nosy and push you to tell me, but after a stunt like that tell me the truth" he says to me.

I look at him through is little speech. Do I really tell him. I probably should it's Vic. And he is my best friend.

"You swear not to say anything to anyone" I mumble

"I swear"

"Fine, I was dating this guy for the last six months but it fell apart obviously, and he did somethings to me and I just happened to see him in the crowd and it triggered something in me and I panicked and left the stage" I say to him trying to keep as much of it a secret as possible.

"I believe you Kellin and I'm not judging you. I guessing he was abusive? Based on the general behavior" he says. I just nod in response.

"Ok, since I can tell you don't want to talk about it right now, I'll leave it at that for now, but do you think you'll tell me the rest at some point?" Once again I nod.

"Ok, now let's get you to the bus I think you've had enough for now, if you'd like you can apologize to the fans during our set I won't mind" he asks.

"Uh, I'll think about it" I tell him. He nods and helps me up. "And Vic thank you for helping you're a great friend" I say as it hurts to say "friend" but that's what we are, and I'd rather that than nothing.

He walks me to the bus and there's really not a tension but it's a silent walk to the bus and he stays with me for a while, well until the guys come and questioned me, then he left. He has to get ready for his set. But our friendship his on a new level as of now, and he knows too much so I have no choice I have to now avoid him, he can't know anything else if he knows anymore then that's not good. As much as it'll hurt, I have to.

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