Chapter 7

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<Kellin pov>

After Vic stormed of the bus I felt bad I know I shouldn't have lied, but I just couldn't help myself and he surprised me, I really didn't want to go anywhere. I obviously was questioned by Justin and Jesse about why he stormed away. I simply told them I didn't feel like it, but they didn't believe me, I rolled my eyes and told them he caught me lying to him and was mad about it.

"Well it's no wonder he stormed off" Jesse says.

"If you lied to us we'd be mad too" Justin continued.

I just looked down in shame, and regret. But they didn't notice thankfully. So they finally left me alone after saying that I should apologize to him. I will eventually. I miss him already but I told myself to keep a distance from him, he has a girlfriend and he wants her forever. Not me, not on one else. I knew I never really had a chance with Vic anyway but it still hurts that he wants to marry someone else. I mean like I'm happy he found someone who makes him happy and stuff, but I just really wanted to be that person. So I can keep this distance for a while I'll get my feelings under control and we can go on being friends without it being weird.

Plus after yesterday I knew he wanted to ask me more about it, but I didn't want to give him the opportunity to ask them. That's also why I shut him down so fast. But me being me and I'm really tired now, I need to sleep. . .

"No please s-stop" I whimper our weakly. As he's pulling at my hair, and crushing my wrists with the other hand.

"How many times have I told you not to mention him again!" He shouts at me.

"But he's only my friend" I say barely above a whisper to scared to speak any louder.

"I don't care if he's your brother any mention of anyone again and you'll get it worse"

"O-ok" I say weaker.

Then he lets go of my hair and wrists and starts with my pants, I'm used to it now, even if I don't like it I take it cause I have no choice—

"Kellin!" I hear being shout scaring me awake.

"What! No! Stop!" I shout waking up suddenly.

"Huh, you ok?" Thats when I notice it's only Justin.

"Oh yeah, sorry Just" I mumble to him.

"Well I was gonna tell you that Jack and Gabe are back with the food if you want any, but I think something better to ask is what was that all about?"

"Oh nothing, and no thanks I don't want any food thanks anyway"

"Are you sure, haven't really seen you eat much since the start of tour?"

"I'm fine, just don't have much of an appetite that's all" I tell him.

"Ok, but we'll save you a bit for later then" he says.

"Thanks" I say then he goes back out to the main area of the bus with the rest of the guys. Finally time to myself.


<Vic pov>

Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have snapped at Kellin like that. I think I'll text him an apology, then ask if he wants to hang out tomorrow to make up for it. It's the least I could do I guess.

Vic: Hey Kellin, I'm sorry about snapping at you, I shouldn't have, but maybe we could hang out one day and I'll make it up to you

I look it over a couple of times to make sure it's what I want to say. Then I send it. I don't expect a answer right away, but soon. I go about the rest of the day, making sure the guys eat something to help their hangovers and drink water. It wasn't until later that they came around acting more like themselves again. Of course now that I'm tired and wanting to sleep they get their energy back. Typical.

I finally received a text back from Kellin. Only it was a simple short one.

Kellin: it's ok, don't worry. As for hanging out I can't because we have a early set and then a signing then we have to get going to the next city sorry see ya soon

That's it that all I got, ok it wasn't short short, but it still was not what I was expecting he didn't elaborate on anything I can't figure out why he's so adamant about not being around me did I do something to him that made him upset? Other than earlier I can't think of anything. But he said not to worry about it. So with a heavy sigh, I just sit here. I sent him a quick 'ok' and I didn't get anything's after that.

"Hey guys" I say with a questioning tone.

"What's up Vic" I hear Jaime respond.

"I was just wondering if I ever did anything to Kellin to make him not want to be around me" I ask.

"Why?" Tony asks chiming in.

"Because every time I try and ask him to hang out he's always refusing too" I tell them.

"Well it's obvious dude" Jaime states.

"What is?" I ask genuinely curious.

"Dude Kellin's into you, and your with Danielle and he's jealous . . . what you've never noticed" Jaime says to me.

"No that can't be Kellin's one of my best friends he wouldn't—"

"Think about it Vic" he says cutting me off. "The way he looks at you, the way he acts with you, the way he talks to you, it's blatantly obvious he's into you, I get that you didn't notice since you have Dani, but you know how hard this must be for him"

I didn't say anything for a while. Just thinking. Then I dawns on me.

"Oh no" I whisper.

"What" He says to me.

"Well I sorta told Kellin something about me and Dani" I say.

"Like what" Tony asks.

"Alright you guys are bound to find out anyway, I sorta mentioned that I wanted to propose to Dani" I say.

"Well there it is, that's why he's mad, you tell him that and he felt jealous, so it's no wonder he's avoiding you so he doesn't have to feel that" Jaime says.

"Are you sure about all this Hime" I ask.

"No and I'm lying about it all" he says sarcastically "dude would I make this up, to you"

"I don't know, I'm just gonna think this over see ya" I say and head to my bunk.

What a day.

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