Chapter 26

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<Kellin pov>

I can't believe it's now the last week of warped tour. It's gone by so fast, but it's definitely one to remember. Between the way the tour started to the way that it's ending it's crazy. We're now doing three last dates in California. Today's the first one in Sacramento, we go in late tonight but I know Pierce is on in a little bit. So I think I'll go watch Vic sing. I walk out of the bus and walk over to the stages. I see them setting up for Pierce's set so it'll start soon. I stand on the side of the stage waiting then I see the guys coming over.

"Kellin, Hey" Jaime says.

"Hey" I say.

"Vic your boy toy is here" Jaime jokes.

"Shut it Hime" I hear Vic say from behind him.

"Hey you" He says grabbing me around the waist and kissing me sweetly.

"Hi" I say smiling at him.

"What are you doing here" he asks me.

"Well I came to see my boyfriend sing today, I was lonely and the guys were being annoying to me" I tell him.

"Aw, poor Kels, well your here now so enjoy" he says.

"Come on man, we get out here be mushy later" Tony says walking out on stage.

"Have fun!" I say pecking his lips one last time then he runs out on stage.

It's so much fun watching him do his thing. Jumping around on stage screaming singing his heart out. You can see that he puts everything into each performance. He goes through the set when he stops and starts talking out to the audience. There's so many people out there watching them.

"Ok thank you all so much! We have one last song for you all today... so you all know we did a song with the one and only Kellin Quinn of Sleeping with Sirens, well I want to welcome him out here so we can do our last song of the day, Kellin come on out here!" I hear Vic say to them all. I was shocked I didn't expect to be goin out there, but did so nonetheless as crew were handing me a mic.

"Hey everyone!" I say into the mic, walking over to Vic. He leans over to whisper something in my ear.

"Can I tell them we're dating?" He whispers. I think quickly for a second and I nod my head giving him the ok to do so.

"Well now you all know Kellin here, but there's one thing that you don't know about him, and that fact is that he happens to have a great boyfriend... who that person is, is in fact" he finished and kissed me in front of everyone. I was to shocked to say or do anything plus it was pretty quick. The crowd was going crazy. There were so many people screaming 'kellic' at us.

"Ok ok guys stop kissing now we have a song to do" Jaime says into a mic.

Then the guys went into the song, I took a second to remember the words I was supposed to say then it came back to me and I effortlessly did it with Vic by my side. It was an amazing moment. We finished the song and the crowd went wild. It was amazing! I walked off stage so did Mike and Tony, then Jaime and lastly Vic after thanking the crowd. We walk around the back for a while till he leaves to go to his signing. Then I go back to the bus and wait with the rest of the my band for a while.

"There you are Kellin! We were wondering where you went" Justin says as I'm walking in.

"I went to watch Vic perform that's all" I say as a matter of fact.

"Oh ok" he says. And went back to whatever he was doing.

We still have a few hours until we have to go on for our set. So I sit around the bus well I did until I heard a knock on the bus door. I got up and saw it was Vic.

"You guys wanna come by we're going to barbecue some food with the guys in Of Mice and Men and Tonight Alive" He says to us holding me by the waist.

"Hell Yeah! I'm starving" Jack jumps up and says.

"Ditto" Gabe says.

Then all the guys left the bus. We followed Vic to their bus, Vic held my hand the whole way there and I was like a giddy school kid. He's so sweet. Once we got there, we all sat around Mike was at the barbecue along with Austin and Arron all chatting away. The rest of us sat in lawn chairs on a circle-ish, all talking. I was next to Vic the whole time we talked with everyone it was a great time, on the other side of Vic was the Aussie I know as Jenna, being the only girl in the group she didn't seem fazed at all about it, however she was talking to Vic about something, I felt a pang of jealousy at that, only we were called to go backstage in the middle of it.

"We'll be back" I say to Vic.

"No problem, we'll be here when you come back, I love you" he says. Giving my hand I light reassuring squeeze and I smile and kiss him then reluctantly we got up and left to got to set.

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