Chapter 19

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<Vic pov>

Let me tell you something. It's hard to put your self into something that requires 100% of yourself when you're constantly thinking, worried and distracted by   you're own thoughts. The last few days in warped tour have been difficult to preform, but I'm working on it.

I still haven't really talked to Kellin I'm to scared to see him or if fear of what he'll say or think of me now. Is he going to be disgusted by me, is he going to say to leave him alone, he going to be angry or is he going just forget it. I hope he's forgotten about it, but that's very unlikely. I know he hasn't cause I haven't and it's actually starting to torture me. I regret it only because I shouldn't have done that. Otherwise it wasn't that bad, and that's what's scary to me. It didn't freak me out like I previously thought kissing a guy would.

How did my life become a soap opera? Like this is some kind of dream or forced love story. I can't tell. But there's more drama going on now that it makes those cheesy movies go to shame. I'm kidding but seriously how did this happen. Warped was supposed to be fun and stress free, but it's turned into the opposite. It's still fun to see the fans and meet them too. However preforming is turning into a chore now, let's hope his all blows over and I can enjoy this tour again.

There's not much of the tour left maybe like a month or so. Whatever I have to say I'll never forget this years though.

"So going to be going out with us?" I hear Mike ask.

"Probably not, remember last time I drank with you guys"

"Right, anyway this whole thing is getting ridiculous and it shows in the performance so do whatever they is you have to do and move on cause it's getting noticeable now" he tells me.

"Mhm" I hum.

"I'm serious Vic, be the bigger man and grow a set and do something about this"

"Ok" I say.

"Good, well we'll see you later then" he says walking out with Tony and Jaime.

Mike's right I got to be a man, it time to man up and just face him no matter the outcome.


<Kellin pov>

I have no idea what's up with Vic, he hasn't said anything to me in a couple days. The guys are asking about this sudden shift in the way we are, we were attached to each other then we're not, so what gives? Vic kisses me and now won't see me. I mean in a way I guess I get it, it's shocking to him. He's had girls his whole life then he goes to kiss me, a guy, it's probably just different for him.

Unless, unless he was absolutely grossed out by it and just wants to spare my feelings. Oh god that's probably what it is. Why else would he put so effort in avoiding me. Ugh.

The guys won't stop asking so and it's so fucking annoying. I wish he'd just talk to me about it so we go on, I'm starting to really miss his company.


A/N: Sorry these two chapters are a bit shorter, it's mostly filler, but still needed. I really wanted to get these out. There's just be stuff going on and I wasn't in the mood to write so I put it off until I could mentally write something that wouldn't be shit. Anyway I'm really excited about going to warped tour this weekend so by the next update I'll have gone so I'll tell you about it another time. Hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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