Chapter 3

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<Vic pov>

So I stayed for the Sirens set like Kellin asked me too. He did amazing like always. After the set he walked back to his bus with is bandmates, I walked back to my bus. I should probably call Danielle. To see what she's up too. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hey babe" I say into my phone.

"Hey can I call you back I'm kinda busy here getting my hair done" she says quickly.

"Uh, sure"

"Great Bye" And she hung up.

I don't really think anything of it she's always getting her hair and nails done, she's always been a high maintenance type of girl. But I love her anyway. Although lately sine I've been in this tour, she's been a bit distant, like she doesn't answer my calls or texts as fast or not at all some days. I understand she's busy with her modeling some days but i think when she gets the chance she should call me back.

We'll see how it goes.


<Kellin pov>

Vic stayed on the side of the stage for our show, it was nice to know my best friend would stay. So after that I thanked him and I was able to calm down and go back to the bus with the guys and sleep. I just wanted to sleep. So I crawled into my bunk and did just that.

Vic went off back to his bus to do whatever, he does. I miss his presence already but I can't ever say that. I don't know what it is. I just feel safe with him. Like nothing bad could happen when he's around. But that's not true I'm a walking disaster, everything bad happens too me. As much as I like Vic and he's my best friend, I've been jealous, he told all about his first love, it was a girl he met in high school, but they broke up over something stupid, but remained friends, until she went off to college somewhere. Now he has Danielle.

She's like perfect. I met her one or twice. She's really pretty and smart. She's nice as well, but I know she's very materialistic. I also suspect that there's something going on behind the scenes that he doesn't want anyone to know about. I'm bound to get to the bottom of it, before Warped ends. I do know from Mike, Tony and Jaime that the two of them tend to argue quite a bit over stupid things, but it's not my place to say anything.

After I wake up from my nap, I guess you could say, the guys told me that we have a signing to do in a few minutes so we have to head back out to the festival. I go and freshen up a bit so I'm not so tired looking. Once again I linger a bit to long on looking at my body. My hips are too feminine, my hair is too long and gross, my teeth are too crooked, my eyes look dead, my stomach area is too fat...

"Hey, Kellin Stop gawking at yourself and lets get going" Jesse jokes. Oh if he only knew.

I shrug it off and ignore what he said and walked off the bus, I follow the guys to our tent and I can already see the long line formed around the side of it. I put on a happy face and just went about meeting them and signing everything I was handed and kept conversations short and sweet.

An hour later we finished with the signing and now we're heading back towards our bus. Thank god that's over, don't get me wrong I love our fans, and they're what's keeping me going, but it's just exhausting to have to pretend for an hour long.

I go back to my bunk to sleep. Sleep is the best way to go. I don't have to think, see or feel anything while asleep. So that's a plus.

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