Chapter 29

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<Vic pov>

"Vic!" I hear Mike say, along with a bunch of footsteps. He comes over and engulfs me in a hug I started to cry harder into his shirt.

It was a few minutes after that I was starting to stop, not that I was less sad, but because I simply just ran out of tears, now I'm just numb. I just stayed close to my brother.

"Vic, what happened?" I hear someone ask.

"Th-that bastard of an ex, sh-shot him" I answer but I feel the tears flowing again. I heard a bunch of gasps and mumbled words.

"What are they doing now?" I hear another say. I'm to upset to care who asked.

"H-he's in emergency surgery" I say sadly. I gripped Mike tighter and started to cry again.

"I think that's it for the questions" Mike says.

"We'll be back we have something to take care of " someone says then a few of them leave.

"Where you going?"

"To teach that asshole a lesson"

What am I going to do now? I love Kellin, he's my whole world. I don't know what to do without him. I've known him for years, Sure we only started dating a few weeks ago, but it feels like it's been so much longer. I love him like I've never loved anyone before. Why did this have to happen to such a beautiful and incredible person. Hasn't he suffered enough.

After hours of waiting, crying, thinking and more waiting. I perked up when a nurse came out, but she didn't call for Kellin's family. I slumped back into my seat. I don't know if I can cry anymore, still numb and disbelieving it. How could this happen to my sweet Kellin. Why would anyone hurt that man. I'll never know what that bastard got out of hurting him, but it's gone way too far, fatally wounding him, he might not even make it out of this. That's what scares me the most.

"Family of Kellin Quinn" I hear the nurse say, I didn't realize she came back.

I stood up so fast so did Mike, he's all that was with me, everyone else left. I rushed over to her and I can feel my heart racing I don't know what's coming. I feel the tears threatening to spill out.

"Ahh. Mr Fuentes how you feeling?" She asks me.

"Scared as hell" I snap.

"What's she talking about?" Mike says

"Oh I sorta passed out in the ambulance on the way here that's all. How's Kellin?"

"Come with me" was all she said and we followed her. Through hallways, and around bends, until she stopped in front of a door. My hearts still pounding in my chest waiting for her to say something.

"Well I'm sorry to be the barrer of bad news..." she starts. Oh no oh no oh no this can't be happening.

"....but Mr Quinn didn't make it out of the surgery" she says. My world collapses at that.


<Mike pov>

I was surprised to find out Vic passed out in the ambulance on the way here, but when the nurse called for us and said that he didn't make it out of the surgery. I was heartbroken, mostly for Vic. He literally collapses next to me I gab him before he hits the ground. It's amazing I've never seen my brother like this before, he's never been this sad over something. Sure it's the circumstances at which this is, he just got told he boyfriend died that's a lot for anyone to take in.

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