Chapter 8

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<Kellin pov>

When I woke up this morning to get ready for our early set I wasn't really feeling right. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and change my clothes, I sighed at my reflection, but now I don't have time for that. I grab a water and head out. The guys were following me out, we have the first set of the day, then an hour later we have the signing. Definitely not looking forward to that. But you do what you've gotta do right.

I get onto the stage and we start it out like we always do by playing 'James Dean' first. We go through the set ending with 'Do It Now' I bid the crowd a good day and leave the stage to go back to the bus. I was feeling faint towards the end there so I'm relieved that I have an hour till I have to be back out there for the signing.

I grab another bottle of water and sit on the couch and watch the tv, well until my bandmates get so loud that I can't anymore so I just shut if off and wait the next thirty minutes to go back out there, listening to the guys pointless conversations about their dating lives and what not. It really makes me think about how I've never had any luck in that department. In high school I dated this girl Katelynne, since I was trying to convince myself I wasn't gay, but then things got to weird for me and I broke up with her and I finally accepted I was gay, then I met a few guys here and there, nothing ever really serious, well until about six months ago I met him. And he was nice and all that at first, then once we actually started going out he changed. And I had no way out for a long time.

Eventually the time came where we have to go back through that crowd and do a signing for an hour. Let's hope I can fake it for a while longer. We get to the booth or tent whatever you want to call it. I sit down and we're on our way going, person from person, signing thing after thing, smiling like nothings wrong. It's absolute torture.

We finished the signing and it wasn't until we reached the bus was when I was feeling it again. And had to grab the door and lean on it. So I wouldn't hit the ground.

"Whoa Kellin you ok?" I hear Jesse say coming over.

"Yeah, yeah, just must be the heat here" I say nonchalantly.

"Are you sure, want anything?" He asks me.

"No thanks man, I think I'll just rest" I say.

"Alright, but if you need anything let us know" he says with worry laced into his voice, as he's helping me into the bus.


<Vic pov>

"Sorry Vic but I gotta go" Danielle say to me. I've been talking to her, well more like arguing.

"Alright, then love you" I say then she hangs up. Without saying it back. That's hurts. Maybe I should reconsider that thought I have about proposing to her.

Well we were talking then I mentioned the whole thing with Kellin and, let's say she wasn't happy about it. I didn't expect her to be honestly. Can't take this why is this bothering me so much. Don't get me wrong I care a lot for Kellin, he one of my best friends and we've known each other for a some time now.

But I know that what Jaime said might have some truth to it, although I haven't been able to see it myself. The only times I get a chance to see him is when I have the time to watch their set. So it's not that often, few days have now gone by since I have actually talked to him. And Dani's not being much of a help lately. Every time I call her she's arguing with me about something. Mostly about how I'm complaining about Kellin. And how each time I try and fix this he won't talk to me. It just bothers me he won't even try and talk to me. It's like we're not even friends anymore.

"Bumpy road in paradise?" I hear Mike say.

"Oh shut it" I say.

"Oh someone's in a bad mood, what crawled up your ass" he says.

"Yeah no shit Mike"

"What's the problem bro?" He asks.

"Dani's mad that I keep talking about Kellin not talking to me, and I get it, but does she not get Kellin's a friend and care about him"

"However you get that she might feel threatened about your new obsession with getting Kellin to talk to you"

"Oh come on Mike, and first thing I'm not obsessed just annoyed that he won't ok"

"Whatever you say, anyway, let's go get some food" he says. I roll my eyes at him and we leave the bus off to get food. I'm not obsessed, right?

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