Chapter 1

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I wake up and the first thing that hits me is the throbbing in my head. Holy hangover batman. I open my eyes and the daylight shining through burns into my soul, I block out the light with my hands and sit myself up while I adjust. Once my eyes adjust I survey my room, what damage did I inflict last night? Well there's an empty bottle of Jack on my nightstand, that explains my head, there's cigarette ash on the bedroom floor, I'll have to clean that up before it stains my carpet, oh wait, it's black carpet, who gives a fuck. I continue looking around and oh boy, there's a naked man in my bed. He should be gone by now. Uhh, men. I get up and head for the shower, pull my hair up into a bun and wash the smell of booze and cigarettes off my skin, I step out, dry myself off and head to the closet for clean clothes, choosing my usual, black leather pants and a black tank top with a random metal band logo on the front, today is Iron Maidens turn, I let my long raven hair loose and it hangs down my back, I put on black eyeliner and give it a smudge, easy smokey effect ladies, followed by some dark red lipstick. I zip up my fuck me boots and head downstairs.

"Morning Roro, want some breakfast" my roommate Alicia asks, perky as ever, as perky as those fake boobs Daddy bought her for her 18th birthday because she was a pancake.

"Hells yeah I do, redbull and cigarettes, breakfast of champions" I reply pulling a fresh can out the fridge, I open the can and down it like I've been lost in the desert for a week before grabbing my cigarettes from the counter and lighting one up.

"Tony's outside, I'm guessing there's still a boy in your bed" Alicia says pointing to the front of the house. Damn I forgot about him.

"Did you get his name this time slut?"

"I don't check ID's at the door bitch" I say before heading back upstairs, time for a performance worthy of an oscar. I walk into the room and sit next to unidentified naked man in my bed

"Mornin' baby. Listen, about last night, that was amazing for my first time, but I called my Mom and Dad" it's alive, he sits up and looks at me confused, not the hottest I've had lately, but he wasn't bad. I continue "So I accidentally told my Mom we had sex before we're married and my Daddy overheard, so he's got his shotgun and in about 20 minutes he'll be here. I know it's fast but I'm excited, this time tomorrow we'll be married. Then we can start makin' babies while you provide for me" he's already grabbing his clothes, works every time. Before he even has his pants on he's running for the front door. I follow and open it for him while he hops putting his jeans on

"Morning Tony, Becky get home safe last night?" I shout to the cab driver parked outside my house

"Yeah, thanks for looking out for her, same time tomorrow?" He asks pointing at the half naked man running across my front lawn to his taxi

"Probably, I'll text you when I know. Tell Becky I said hi" I wave as the unidentified naked man jumps in his car and he drives off. Whenever I get a clinger who ends up landing a sleepover Tony pulls up outside my house at midday so I can kick them out and he gets a fare. In return I look out for his 21 year old daughter Becky who comes to the club I work at.

"Did you do the Daddy shotgun thing again Roro? You're just cruel to these poor boys" Alicia says laughing behind me.

"Works every time, Captain of the bang 'n' bail bitches" I say throwing my hands in the air and walking back into the house. I grab another redbull from the fridge and sit at the kitchen counter using my empty can as my ashtray for the cigarette in my mouth

"The boys not up yet?" I ask Alicia while she makes breakfast for them, see I own this house but it has 4 bedrooms I rent out three to Alicia, Alex and Nathan, we all work at the same goth club Titanium Alicia, Alex and I work the bar and Nathan is the bouncer

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