Chapter 23

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I am a bitch. A cold hearted, evil, sexy bitch. And I fucking love it. By the end of the night I managed to fix up Sadie and Grinder, I think they'll work well, if not I got Grinder laid. I have been torturing Reaper all night. I danced with him, I gave him a lap dance and I did a spin on the pole with Sadie. So when it came time to head back to the clubhouse we were all over each other. Reaper was sat in the back seat with me straddling his lap. I can feel his hard cock against me, begging for me

"Jesus Christ will you two stop before you fuck in the back of the truck" Knuckles says from the passenger seat. I climb off Reaper, even though he protests and curl up next to him, by the time we pull into the lot I pretend to be asleep

"Fuck, she's asleep, thanks for the blue balls Knuckles" Reaper says lifting me out of the truck. He carries me up to his room and lays me on the bed. I hear him sigh before walking into the bathroom. Aww are we disappointed Daddy? I quickly take off all my clothes and lie back down. After a minute he walks out in his boxers and puts his clothes on the armchair. He turns to face me

"Didn't think I was asleep did you Daddy?" I say with a smirk

"You fucking tease" he says climbing on top of me. His head above mine he looks into my eyes, I see the raw passion and lust in his dark eyes before his lips crash into mine. He's rough and forceful, desperate for all of me. He tongue forcing its way into my mouth to taste me, I let him in willingly. His hand moves down taking my breast as he teases my nipple with his thumb and finger, his lips move before I feel the sharp pain of teeth in my neck, soothed by his tongue, his lips trail down my body, lighting a fire under my skin. He kisses down my stomach before I feel his tongue run down

"You're so wet baby girl" he groans. His tongue meets my core making my back arch off the bed, he slides a finger inside me, followed by another, his tongue causing waves a pleasure to corse through my body. I let out a loud moan and suddenly he withdraws, I look down and see the need on his face. He grabs me roughly, lifting and turning me so I'm on my knees. He leans over me and kisses down my spine, I moan again and before I can catch my breath he thrusts into me violently. I moan at the half pain half pleasure. His thrust come hard and fast, desperate for release, I can't help the loud moans vibrating from my throat over and over with every rough thrust, raw passion and lust filling the room. His grip on my hips surely leaving bruises, I feel my climax building as he leans over me and says against my ear

"Come for me baby girl" I can't hold back the scream that roars from my throat as I explode, clenching around him, that was all he needed to climax himself before falling on top of me. He kisses my neck softly, a complete change from what just happened, before rolling next to me.

He pulls me against him so my back is against his chest

"I need to tease you more often Daddy" I say placing my hand on his, which is resting on my stomach.

"Don't you fucking dare baby girl" he says kissing the fresh wound on the side of my neck.

That's pretty much how the next week went. I spent my days being able to go out, alone. Perfecting my plan and getting my kit in place and then spent my nights having earth shattering sex. I woke up in Reapers arms and turned to face him, his sleeping face looked so peaceful. I studied his handsome, strong features and for a while felt pain at the thought of leaving him, if I came back would we be able to pick up where we left off? Should I stay? But no, I realised the only way to stop the people I loved from being hurt was to leave them, exterminate the danger and pray they would still love me when I returned. It's something I should've done four years ago. I should have protected my Mom, if she was still here maybe I wouldn't have turned into a monster, void of emotion. Yes we had a difficult relationship but she was my Mom. I could've and should've saved her, so now the best I could do was save Reaper, my new family and my three best friends from being hurt again.

It was still dark out but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. I went down through the quiet clubhouse to the kitchen, pulled a redbull from the fridge and sat at the counter lighting a cigarette. I looked down at the cast on my arm, which Alex had covered in tattoo designs with a sharpie and Alicia had drawn a heart with RM above it and EJ below. If I survived this, if we survived this I promised myself I would get Reaper, Eli or even Daddy tattooed all over my body to scream that I'm his. Just one week, one week left of sleeping next to him, partying with Alicia and embracing my inner demon with Grinder. If anyone would understand what I did I felt it would be Grinder, he's told me a lot about his past which helped create his demon and we seemed to understand each other on a new level. I love him like a brother. To think before I met Reaper I never loved anyone, but now I love Reaper, I love Grinder like a brother and well Alicia is my sister. It's going to be hard to leave them but there's no other choice.


I woke up to an empty bed, again. She's not been sleeping and she's becoming distant, yes we're still having sex all the time but that's easy for her, emotions aren't. She's beginning to pull away and I don't know what to do. I had a prospect follow her when she left the other day. She went to a gun shop in the rough side of town, not far from the Mexicans. I looked the owner up but he's not associated with anyone, she's got something going on, but I need to handle it right or I risk making it worse. It was only just getting light so I knew it was early. I threw on some sweat pants and headed down looking for her. When I walked into the kitchen she was sat there cigarette in hand staring at her cast.

"Only a week to go baby girl" I said walking up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder.

"Yep" she replied vacantly. I spun her round to look into her eyes, they were hollow, void of anything, hell I'd rather see the fury fire in her eyes than this.

"Baby girl, I've been tiptoeing but I hate seeing you like this. I know you hate emotions and talking about feelings but you need to tell me what's going on so I can help you, I love you Rosie and I am here for you, always" she seems to snap out of it and looks into my eyes

"I'm ok, or at least I will be, I love you too" she replies getting up stubbing out her cigarette before lighting another, because chain smoking shows you're perfectly fine.

"I'm gonna go take a shower before I head out" she says before giving me a quick kiss and leaving. I make myself coffee and sit where she was sitting when Alicia walks in

"Morning Reaper, You're up early, I'm gonna start breakfast" she says in her usual chirpy voice. Alicia is always happy and bouncy, completely different to the distant, feisty girl who just left me here.

"Yep. Hey, have you noticed Rosie's mood lately?"

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for Pantera to start playing and glass to start breaking before she flees for the desert again" she says chuckling.

"Do you think that's just what it is, she needs her time away? I can't help but worry it's something more, something is going on I just can't work it out" I say feeling my frustration grow

"I've known her for four years. She always gets like this before she runs away, she struggles to cope, she doesn't know how to deal. So she does what she knows, pulls away and becomes distant, disappears for a few days and then she's back ready to party." She says lighting up the stove.

I know she's known Rosie longer but something is telling me she's heading somewhere bad. I need to protect her and keep her safe so until I figure out what's going on she's keeping her tail.

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