Chapter 4

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I wake up to light shining in my face, fuck off daylight, I block the light with my hand and roll over to get out of bed, I sit on the edge and look around, where the fuck am I? I move to get up and feel the pain between my thighs, oh yeah, hottie with a body. Damn that was fucking good if I did monogamy I hope it'd be with some one who fucks like that every day. I look at the clock on the nightstand 1pm. Fuck, ladies and gentlemen we have a clinger, I'm a fucking clinger! I grab my clothes and head for the bathroom, I get dressed and check myself out in the mirror, after fixing my make up I notice the bite on my neck bruising nicely, I run my fingers over it and think back to last night, the way his rough stubble felt against my skin.

"Morning baby girl, want me to take you to breakfast?" The voice at the bathroom door startles me, I turn towards it and there he is in nothing but his boxers, damn I want my tongue on that body.

"Thanks but I should head out" I brush passed him, feeling his body as I move passed makes me want it on me again. I head to my jacket and bag before sitting in the chair to put my boots back on

"At least let me give you a ride baby girl" he says still teasing me with his almost nakedness.

"Nah, last night was awesome but I'm not a needy girl, I'll call a cab" I say trying not to look up from my boots in case I can't stop myself from jumping him.

"I insist Rosie, you liked being on my bike, see it as an excuse for another ride" he's using my love of motorcycles against me, bastard.

"Ok fine, but I've gotta work tonight, so no funny business" I say pointing at him trying to seem tough even though looking at him turns me to jelly.

"No funny business baby girl, just a ride" he says reaching for his jeans, I can't look at this body anymore

"I need a smoke, I'll meet you outside" I say practically diving through the door. I head passed the four doors to the stairs, turn right into the bar and head through to the exit, I see a few bikers looking at me but I ignore them and head out.

I light a cigarette and check my phone, 3 missed calls from Alicia, I call her and she picks up straight away

"Are you ok? Where the fuck are you Roro?" She sounds panicked, get ready for the laughter

"I'm fine, I'm at the club house, Reaper is going to give me a ride home" I pull the phone away from my ear in anticipation. Her laughter screams through the phone

"Do not tell me Queen bang 'n' bail is a fucking clinger? You're still at his place? You needy little bitch" I knew it

"I fell asleep, I tried to get out but he woke up and insisted on taking me home, what can I do, I don't think the daddy shotgun story would frighten this guy" I say waving my cigarette around trying to emphasise my point even though she can't see me. I turn and see Reaper is standing there, fuck, how much did he hear?

"I gotta go Alicia, I'll be home soon, love ya"

"Love ya bitch, enjoy the ride and the motorcycle" she says laughing as I hang up.

"What's a clinger?" He asks with a smug grin, oh boy.

"It's umm, well, some one who sleeps over after sex" I say trying to act casual but failing miserably. He laughs loudly

"We wouldn't want that now would we?" He says strolling over to his motorcycle, she looks even more beautiful in the sunlight

"Come on baby girl, let's get you home" he says straddling the beast, I climb on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, but instead of holding his leather cut, I place my hands flat against his rock hard abs.

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