Chapter 3

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At 3:55am I've cleaned the bar, not that I'm desperate to get out or anything. I take all the money out of my bra and put it in my bag

"'Licia, here's the keys to my truck, you and the guys head home, I'm gonna see where hottie with a body and I end up" I say handing her my keys

"Be safe Rosie and call me if this asshole tries anything" Nathan says across the now empty club. I nod at him, throw my purse on my shoulder and head for the door. I step out into the cool air and sigh relief, I look around and don't see him, I light a cigarette and take a long drag, I step forward and look around. Suddenly I feel a body press against my back, just the feel of his solid muscles against me causes a soft moan to slip from my lips

"Hey Roro, thought I forgot ya?" He whispers against my ear, that voice, yum.

"Hey there, by the way, my name is Rosie" I say turning and pressing my breasts against his solid body

"Wanna go for a ride Rosie?" On you, definitely

"On your motorcycle? Definitely" he takes my hand and guides me through the stragglers hanging around the club and we step to the curb to reveal his Harley Davidson Fat boy, the candy red paintwork sparkling at me from the lights from the club

"Oh, she is beautiful" I say running my finger along the tank I look up to Reaper, his eyes making my body burn as he looks me up and down.

"I was thinking the same thing Baby Girl" he says looking to my eyes with a wink.

We get on the bike and he starts her up, the roar of the engine between my thighs could make me orgasm alone, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold the front of his leather cut. He pulls back the throttle and we fly away from the club and off into the night. It's been a while since I was on a motorcycle and I love it, it makes me feel alive and free. We head onto the highway and his speed increases, hitting the 100 mark, the roads are empty at this time of night so it's just us flying down the road, the roar of the engine is the soundtrack. All too soon he slows down and we pull off the highway, a few minutes later we pull up to a clubhouse. It's a wide building with windows lining the front on the bottom floor and three windows sticking out of the roof on the top floor. A young guy with a leather cut on opens the gate to the side of the building and we roll in, Reaper parks the bike and I jump off wishing I didn't have to take my arms away from his body. I look down the line of Motorcycles parked against the fence in a neat line, they are all so beautiful, nearly all Harley's I stop at a Dyna Super glide it's pure black and chrome with a hand painted devil on the rear fender

"Now she's beautiful" I say unable to take my eyes off the machine in front of me

"That's the prezs bike"

"Looking at these makes me want to get mine back on the road"

"You ride?"

"Got a 2014 Honda Sabre, called Bessie, I love her but she needs some work" yes I name my vehicles, yes they are all women

"That's a powerful bike baby girl. You should bring it by the shop on Monday, I'll take a look at it for you" he says before taking my hand and leading me to the door. We walk in to a bar area that is pretty much empty, just a few nearly passed out bikers trying not to fall off their stools. He guides me to the door at the other end and on the left is the stairs, I follow him up and we head passed four doors before stopping at the one at the end. He unlocks the door, pushes it open and guides me past him into the room. It's a simple room, wood panelled walls, black carpet, a king size bed with a leather headboard and black sheets, there's a small closet to the right and next to that a door to what I assume is a bathroom.

I hear the door close behind me and turn to face him, he takes off his leather cut and places it on the armchair to the left of the door, I put my bag on the floor and take off my leather jacket, before my jacket touches the floor he's on me. The assault on my lips hurts at first, his stubble scratching at my soft lips but pain turns to pleasure as he bites at my bottom lip before running his tongue over the bite. I open my mouth willingly and he thrusts into my mouth forcefully, tasting all of me, his hands slide down my sides to my hips before moving to my thighs, he grips them both roughly and lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he turns and slams me against the wall of his bedroom, I moan softly into his mouth as the assault continues, his hands move up to my hips again as he teases up the hem of my tank. Our lips part for a second as he throws the top over my head and to the floor, one of his big hands wraps around my right breast as he runs his thumb over my nipple through my lace bra, causing me to moan into his mouth again, I reach for his shirt and lift it over his muscles throwing it to the floor. I run my hands over his chiselled chest moving down to feel the cut V to the top of his dark jeans. His hands cup my ass as he turns and walks over to the bed. He throws me down roughly onto the soft mattress, before climbing on top of me, his rough mouth leaves kisses across my jaw and down to my neck, where he bites down on my skin, a gasp escapes my lips before he soothes the bite with his tongue. His mouth continues to ignite a fire on my skin as me moves down to my breasts, he reaches around my back and unclasps my bra and nearly rips it pulling it from my body. He takes my nipple in his mouth and sucks on it before grazing it with his teeth, then running his tongue over it, making me moan for him, desperate for him to take me, he moves to my other breast and does the same before kissing down my stomach, his mouth meets the top of my leather pants and he undoes them, sliding them down my legs to the floor. Lying on his bed in nothing but my black lace panties, I need him now, I need him to take me, make me his for the night. I feel his tongue run the length of my panties and moan loudly

"You're wet and ready for me huh baby girl?" He says looking up to me, the passion in his eyes only increasing the fire burning inside me. I can't speak, I only nod, he grabs my panties at my hips and slides them down my thighs, over my knees and to the floor. His tongue glides through my wet folds and I gasp, before he slides into me and I can't hold back my moaning any longer, I grab his hair in my hands only pushing him deeper into me, his tongue slides out and up to my core, running figure eights over it he slides his finger into me, followed by another finger, I buck my hips against his face and fingers, the waves of pleasure build inside me before I can't hold back anymore, with a loud moan I feel myself clench around his fingers, my orgasm spreading through my body.

I catch my breath as he stands up off the bed, I sit up in front of him as he begins to unbutton his jeans, I move his hands away and undo his jeans for him I slip my fingers into his boxers and pull his jeans and boxers to the floor. Wow, apparently his muscles aren't the biggest part of him. I take his hard cock in my hand, stroking it gently, I run my tongue across the tip and he moans softly, before he can catch his breath I slide my lips over him and take him into my mouth fully. His hands find my hair and he begins to thrust into my mouth, I use my lips and tongue to give him his own waves of pleasure

"Fuck... Baby girl" he moans with his hands still in my hair and his head rolling back. He pushes me back away from him before reaching down and wrapping his strong arm around my waist, he lifts me up and turns me over so I'm on my hands and knees on the edge of the bed. Without hesitation he thrusts into me roughly, filling me completely, it's pain at first but the pleasure takes over. There's nothing gentle about this, he wraps his hand around the back of my neck as he thrusts into me roughly, deeper and deeper, slamming into me as I moan in ecstasy. His grip tightens on my neck as I roll my hips back to meet him with each painful thrust. I ball the sheets up in my fists as my orgasm shakes me to the core, he lets out a loud groan and with one final thrust he reaches his climax, spilling his seed inside me. We collapse onto the bed next to each other and I look over to him, the only words I can find are



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