Chapter 22

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For the last two weeks Grinder and Rosie have been with each other all the time. They're either in the armoury training, in the media room watching WWE or going off to his 'weapons collection' didn't take her long to realise I was mad but I don't feel any better

"Reaper I'm sick of this. Just because I am friends with Grinder doesn't mean I'm fucking him. You are my man, I know you want me to be your old lady, but I'm not ready. You're the only person I've ever been monogamous with and I'm sticking to it, so cut the shit because I can be friends with whoever I want. You don't get mad when I hang out with Nathan and Alex, I don't see Grinder any differently to them"

"He likes you, when you tortured those guys he told me he was mad I got you before he did, he's going to make a move, I know it"

"Well if he makes a move I will reject it and shut him down, tell him where he stands. I love you Reaper, you need to get over this because I won't put up with it forever" she picks up her headphones and cigarettes and storms out of the room. I can follow her now, my leg is better, but I don't. She's right, I need to get over it before I push her away. She's like a deer in the woods, right in front of me, but if I make a sudden move she'll be gone.

I head downstairs and head into the kitchen. Everyone is sat down for breakfast but no sign of Rosie, she must be outside smoking. Or on the roof, that's become her hiding place, she loves it up there.

"Where's Roro?" Alicia asks putting a plate of food in front of me

"Don't know" I reply not bothering to look up from my food

"You fighting again? If you need to talk, I know what Rosie can be like." She says quietly so the others don't hear before patting my shoulder and going back to serving.

"Fellas, church after breakfast" Machete says walking into the kitchen.

After we all finished eating we headed into the room and took our seats around the table

"I brought you here to talk about the Mexicans and Jerry. It's been just over two weeks since we dropped the two men Rosie killed at their door and we haven't heard anything. Our insider tells me they were so disturbed by the bodies they've gone to ground. They may come out fighting but we should enjoy the peace while we have it. Reaper, Rosie is free to move around and leave the compound as she pleases." Great, no way am I telling her because I can tell she's ready to run. I'm doing a damn good job of pushing her away.

Church is dismissed and I head off looking for Rosie, Machete kept us in there for a couple of hours but I don't know what was said. I need to make things right with Rosie, I head outside and she isn't there, I try my room, the roof and them the armoury. She isn't anywhere, where the fuck would she be? I pull out my phone and call her, I get her voicemail, I send a quick text and wait for her to respond.

Daddy: where you hiding baby girl? I wanna talk to you

After 10 minutes she still hasn't replied. I head to the kitchen and find Alicia working on lunch

"Hey Alicia, you seen Rosie? I can't find her"

"Nope, not since breakfast. Are you guys ok?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to find her so I can make it right" Alicia rests her hand on mine

"You need to remember Rosie has never had a boyfriend. She doesn't trust relationships, thinks all they do is hurt people. I know it's hard but she took a big step in saying she loves you. She'll come around" I nod, I feel my phone buzz

Baby girl: on the roof dumbass

I say goodbye to Alicia and head for the roof, sure enough she's there lying in the sun smoking a cigarette

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