Chapter 29

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"Morphine is my bitch" Rosie giggles. Doc gave her a shot to help with pain while we move her to the clubhouse. Grinder is driving, Doc in the passenger seat and I'm in the back with Rosie in my arms

"Almost there baby girl how you doing?" I ask stroking her thigh

"Fucking awesome, are we having a party tonight? I wanna dance" she asks waving her arms to imaginary music

"Not tonight baby girl, rest tonight and maybe tomorrow if you're good"

"Well you're boring. Cottingham! Party?"

"Not tonight BTK, but we can watch the wrestling you've missed if you like?" Grinder asks looking in the rear view mirror

"Never mind she's asleep" I say laughing. We pull into the clubhouse and I carry her up to my room and put her on the bed, I take off my hoodie she's wearing and dress her in one of my t-shirts. I cover her with the sheets and head downstairs.

"Who the hell is that?" Knuckles jokes as I walk into the bar. The prospect hands me a beer and I sit down next to Knuckles

"You actually left her side, I'm amazed" he says shoving my shoulder with his

"She in my bed in my shirt sleeping off the morphine" I say taking a sip. Machete walks in and heads in my direction

"Reaper, a word" he says motioning to his office. I get up and follow. We sit down

"Now Reaper, you understand I can't let Rosie's actions go unpunished it would make me look weak. I have spoken with Doc and with the extent of her injuries I am willing to wait, which you know is more than I would do for anyone else" he states matter of factly.

"I understand Prez, but just talk to her first. You know how Grinder was when he first came to the club. Just go and speak with her." I say. Part of me wants to fight him on this, she's been through enough but he's showing mercy already. If one of the guys went against him he would've put a bullet in them without second thought. He nods

"You know how I feel about the kid, I will speak with her, but she will make this right before she can be accepted again" he states tapping his finger on his desk. I nod in agreement and stand

"Well if that is all I'm going to sleep in my bed with my woman" I say before heading out of the office. I say goodnight to Knuckles and the guys and head up stairs. I open the door and the bed is empty. I look around and she's face down on the floor crying. I run over to her

"Baby girl, what are you doing out of bed?" I ask helping her sit up. She groans in pain

"Get out, go get Alicia" she says between sobs

"Why what's the matter? I'm here to help you baby girl" I say wiping a tear from her cheek.

"I want Alicia" she says looking at the floor. I don't want to leave her alone so I pull out my phone and call Alicia to come up. Alicia walks in

"Give me a minute with her Reaper" she says rubbing my arm. I get up and stand outside the bedroom door. After a few minutes Alicia comes out and motions for me to come in. I walk into the bathroom and Rosie is sat on the floor but the crying has stopped

"Roro, want to tell Reaper what you just told me?" Alicia says firmly, a side I haven't seen in her before

"I don't want you to see me like this" she whispers.

"And the rest Roro, you've never been shy before don't start now"

"I need to pee and I can't get to the toilet on my own. I don't want to be a burden on you and I feel ugly" Rosie finishes, never taking her eyes off the floor. I look at Alicia who nods me to go to her and I bend down to meet Rosie's eyes

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