Chapter 26

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We have 5 locations to hit for info on Rosie, I don't smoke often but hell if I'm not chain smoking right now. No matter what I try the anger refuses to settle. She said she loved me, we fought yes, but we were just getting passed it and she left without word to get herself killed.

I hear police sirens and a car pulls into the lot. Perfect timing officers, last thing I need right now is a raid. But it's only one car and good old Officer Peterson steps out the drivers seat and heads in my direction

"If you've come to arrest me you'll need back up and a warrant" I say stubbing out my cigarette

"No, no I'm worried about Rosie. I had a missing persons report land on my desk and it doesn't sit right with me. I know she's been staying here so I came to ask her" he says standing in front of me

"Rosie told me her parents were dead but this says that Rosie Montague is missing and her father is looking for her a Jerry Hernandez. I care for Rosie a great deal and I've turned a blind eye a lot more than I should, but the officer who filed the report I'm sure is connected to something illegal, I just can't prove it" he says handing me a copy of the report. He's looking for her, she's in more danger than ever.

"Rosie left, if you find her hold her and call me" I say handing him back the report

"Is she in danger?"

"Only from herself, the whole club is working to find her, you feel free to do the same" he nods and returns to his car.

"Boys we got a problem, Alicia give us a minute" I say walking into the kitchen, she steps out

"Rosie's favourite officer Petey just stopped by, Jerry Hernandez filed a missing persons report for his daughter Rosie Montague through a dirty cop, says she's at risk of hurting herself and to hold her for mental evaluation" I say looking around the kitchen

"That mother fucker. We gotta move" Machete says punching the table. Breakfast is abandoned and we all head out. Me and Grinder are heading for the gun shop, Knuckles and Shotgun a bar she stopped at and Machete and Cueball are heading to an underground gym.

I step into the gunshop and it looks like your run of the mill store, I step up to the counter

"Jeff, I'm a friend of Rosie's, she's gone missing, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?" I ask towering above him

"Rosie is a friend, she bought her first gun from me, that's it" Jeff stutters, so want to play hardball do we?

"Grinder, looks like someone doesn't want to talk, what do we do to make people talk?"

"Well lets see Reap, the last guy I got answers from, I removed the skin from one of his legs, cut off three fingers and when I started amputating his foot he finally gave in. Hoppy lives a simple life now, skin grafts work wonders these days" Grinder says, fire burning in his eyes

"Ok, ok, ok, look I stay out of all gang activity, but I sell illegal guns so sometimes I hear stuff. I heard they were hiding Jerry in a building to the east so I got her a set of blueprints. She bought some weapons off me too. Honestly that's it fellas" well that was nice and easy.

"Well then Jeff, we'll take a copy of those blueprints and if you hear from Rosie, you will call me or I'll send Grinder here back alone" I smile.

We take our intel back to the clubhouse. We all gather in church and share what we learned. The underground gym was where a man called Morgan had met a 19 year old Rosie through Jeff and taught her self defence. He said he regretted it slightly because she was damn good but had no self control. That's my girl. The bar was a bust, the waitress said she ordered a shot, spent 20 minutes in the bathroom, then left.

We set our plan in motion to watch the building Jerry was in, the minute she shows up we'll take her, bring her here and take Jerry ourselves.

We watched the building for a week and got nothing. There was no other lead to follow, all we could do was sit and wait for her.

"Where the fuck is she?" Knuckles says stretching his legs. Knuckles, Grinder and I are in a van opposite the building, I'm pretty much living here because I want to be here when she turns up. I need her back in my arms.

"It's part of the plan. Things need to be done a certain way, she'll be here when it's time" Grinder says pulling out of his thoughts

"What are you thinking Grinder?" I ask knowing he knows this side of Rosie better than anyone

"She's been planning it for years, but when she started being distant after you got shot, was when she started really planning, the way she killed Mateo and Sebastian is most likely too drawn out for this situation, so she's going to come in firing and kill in quick succession. She needs to get her head in the right place, her weapons how she needs them and she needs the right time to do it. I know what time is right for me, but it might not be for her. She's going to come here, when everything is just right, she'll be here"

"How's Alicia doing?" I ask Knuckles

"She's pretty upset, she even said she's going to knock Rosie on her ass when she comes back for leaving you a note and not her. She knows Rosie will come back, but doesn't know what state of mind she'll be in when she does" he says lighting a cigarette.


Almost ready. Almost. I bought a stolen motorcycle from a guy I know at Sheila's bar so no one can track Bessie. I got all my weapons lined up, no knife wrap this time though, it's all guns, with a knife in my boot just in case. I bought a few syringes of some shit from Morgan, said it'll knock out a moose. Almost ready.


If I had met her at the club before Reaper I probably would've fucked her, hell I probably would've fallen in love with her and married her. But watching her around the club house and the way she killed those men I didn't see a potential lover, I saw a kindred spirit, fighting the same internal battle.

Losing your family in front of you at the hands of a monster awakens a fire inside, you can never extinguish it. I have learned to control it. Machete helped me do that. She's so young and innocent, she's faced so much and still knows how to have a good time. She's incredibly smart and knows exactly how to get what she wants, she amazes me. I settled in for another night in the van with Knuckles and Reaper. Reaper wanted to be here for his girl, I wanted to be here for my sister and Knuckles wanted to find his woman's best friend.

"Great, there's a fucking storm rolling in, as if this van wasn't shitty enough, we gotta sit out a storm in this shit hole" Knuckles groans as a rumble of thunder rolls through the street, the first drops of rain begin to fall

"She's going to come tonight. The storm, that's the missing link. We were meant to have a storm three days ago and it never came, this is it, tonight." I say looking to Reaper

"Knuckles call the guys and get them ready to roll for back up, eyes to the building, this is the side we think she'll enter from" Reaper says lighting a cigarette.

An hour passes and the storm is in full swing, with no sign of Rosie, rain beats down, making it hard to see the street and the building. Only the lightning giving a momentary image of the scene in front of us.

"The guys are parked up out of view five minutes away when we need them" Knuckles says putting his phone back in his jeans.

"You sure she's coming tonight Grinder?" Reaper asks

"I'm sure of it"

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