Chapter 10

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"We need to retaliate so these fucking bean eaters get it in their thick skulls not to mess with us" Machete says sitting at the head of the table

"Here's my plan, Butcher, Grinder and Cueball I want you to head over to that fucking bar of theirs and send a message. Knuckles, Reaper and I will go to Titanium in case they come back to try it again and I want Shotgun and the Prospects here at the clubhouse. Are we all in agreement?"

The men bang their fists on the table in agreement. Machete dismisses church and we head out to the bar

"Aren't you glad he's sending us to Titanium? We can keep an eye on those girls" Knuckles says as we step up to the bar of the clubhouse

"Yeah, I suggest we guard Rosie and Alicia personally, better bring them back to our beds so we can watch 'em through the night huh?" I say laughing as the prospect hands me a beer

"I tell you man, that Alicia, she fucking incredible, the skills on her, she's old lady material. And Rosie, fuck I think every guy in the place Friday night wanted a piece of her, you lucky fuck"

"Don't remind me, I'm working on making her mine, but she's a stubborn girl"

We finish our beers and head out to our motorcycles to head for the club.

I walk up to the door and shake Nathan's hand

"Good luck tonight man" he says smirking, what have I missed?

We head inside and to the bar when I see her. Her knee high leather boots, the denim cut off shorts flashing her ass and her exposed tight stomach, she's dancing on the bar with Alicia, her hair whipping around while she shakes her ass to the whole club. She drops to her hands and knees and crawls to Alicia, climbs up her body before kissing her. The crowd of men are going wild below them. The song finishes and she climbs down from the bar. Guys flock to the bar and order drink after drink, stuffing tips into Rosie's bra. She is fucking mine. I head over to the bar pushing men out of the way and stand in front of her

"Evenin' Daddy, enjoy the show?" She says while opening beers and handing them to the guy beside me.

"I don't want all these men looking at you doing that, understand?"

"Oh Daddy come on now" she says climbing onto the bar on her knees, she grabs my face with both her hands and kisses me fiercely before jumping back down to the bar and carries on serving. I look around and see the disappointed look on the guys faces, yep she's mine mother fuckers. She hands me a beer and I head over to the booths and sit with Machete and Knuckles. Machete steps outside to take a phone call and comes rushing back in

"Butcher, Grinder and Cueball hit up the spick bar, but said it was nearly empty, they must be out planning something. We need to keep our guard up" Machete heads off towards Mark and I head outside to Nathan

"Nathan, the Mexicans might be up to something, any signs of trouble lock us in, we need to keep the girls safe"

"You got it Reaper" he says before going back to checking ID's.

I head back inside and get another drink. Suddenly there's gunfire from the front door, the music shuts off and everyone hits the deck. 8 Mexicans storm into the club. The leader points his gun to the ceiling and fires

"Devils Runners, come out, come out" he says scanning the crowd, I look to Knuckles and he nods, I search for Machete and spot him behind the DJ booth, gun in hand. I reach for my gun when a voice breaks the silence

"Hey boys, this is my fucking bar and you're ruining my party" Rosie is stood behind the bar gun in hand pointing it at the leader. She opens fire and takes out the leader, the Mexicans open fire before she takes out another one. Me, Knuckles and Machete follow suit and take out the remaining men. As soon as they are all down she jumps over the bar and runs for the front door, I follow her out

"Nathan, you've been shot, oh my god" she pulls the towel out from her shorts and puts pressure on the bullet wound on his shoulder. The street lights up with lights and sirens paramedics come over and see to Nathan, Rosie stands up and looks over to the police. I watch her run to an officer

"Officer Petey, I was so scared, thank god you're here" she wraps her arms around him.

"Rosie, what the hell is going on?" The cop says looking down at her, she looks like a little girl. She's just killed two guys and yet she looks so innocent, fuck me she's good.

"Officer Petey, we were just having a normal night when these men came in and shot at the ceiling, everyone hit the floor, then they opened fire on us, it was us or them Petey, I didn't have a choice. I'm so scared" I swear to god she's crying.

"Ok, ok Rosie, you're safe now, let me go and take a look, I'll come back to you in a minute" he says heading inside the club. Rosie pulls out her cigarettes and lights one up before looking over to me and winking. I've never wanted her more.


Well tonight was a bust, ending in gunfire. Officer Peterson was all over me.

"I'm sorry about the cameras Officer Petey, I broke them last week, I just don't know how technology works, I thought Mark would fire me if he found out" I say twirling my hair in my fingers.

"It's ok Rosie, we have statements from everyone and they match up, self defence"

"Oh Officer Petey, thank you for looking after me, I owe you big time" how dumb is this man? Like hello, I have an unregistered gun under my bar, I just killed two guys with it, self defence? Ha!

"Well how about you let me take you home, I don't think you're in any condition to drive" he says stroking my arm

"Oh Officer Petey thank you but I understand how busy a man like you is, Alex is going to take me to the hospital to see Nathan, I'll be ok, you've made me feel safe again" I give him a little girl smile before walking away.

"Rosie, what the fuck just happened?" Reaper asks walking over to me. Mark steps over and interrupts

"A word Rosie?" I nod and follow him to his office. I walk in and Machete is sat in his chair

"Why don't you explain to me what exactly you told the cops tonight Rosie?" Machete says looking at me with those dangerous eyes, any normal girl would want to run away from him, he looks like he could snap me in a heartbeat, but fuck me if it didn't turn me on. Knuckles and Reaper step into the office behind me and I explain

"Officer Peterson met me just after I moved here, he knows my parents are dead and he felt sorry for me so he used to help me out, but he was helping me out to get in my pants. I slept with him 6 months after I moved here, he believes it was my first time and he's been my bitch ever since. He caught me driving drunk, let me go, I stabbed a man he pulled self defence. When I shot at you Reaper and I told him I was cleaning my gun, he let that go too. So tonight I told him the Mexicans stormed in and attacked us, I told him it was them or us and I reacted. I told him I broke the cameras last week because I'm a silly little girl who doesn't know how to work technology. He bought it and he's saying it was self defence." I look around the room and feel four sets of eyes burning holes into me. Do people not get what women with big tits can do when we utilise it? Men are dumb as a bag of rats.

"Can I go now? I want to go to the hospital and see Nathan." Nobody is saying anything, hello? Boys?

"Ok Rosie, you go and well done tonight, the club owes you" Machete says getting up from his seat and opening the door for me. I head out and before the door shuts I hear Machete say "Reaper, fucking marry her before I do" I can't help but chuckle to myself as I head to my truck.

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