Chapter 27

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I lay on the bed in the motel room, if I was in the right frame of mind I wouldn't have graced this room with my boot print, it looked straight from the 60s and as though it hadn't been cleaned since. But it was a 3 minute walk from the building, so it was perfect in that aspect. I lifted up my shirt and stroked the scar on my stomach. The last time I saw my mother, she had been taking her meds for 3 months before she died and we were getting on well, she had even suggested we take a trip together for 'girl time' but I had to take the road alone. I should've killed him then, before he hurt Nathan and Alex, before his men nearly killed Reaper and Knuckles. I was just beginning to drift off, thinking tonight wasn't the night when I heard it, the faint distant rumble of a storm approaching. Jerry had no idea. I got up put on my long black leather jacket and threw my pack over my shoulder.

As the rain began to fall I left my body. It was as though I was watching a movie in a point of view so you saw it from the main characters eyes. As I watched the person walk down the metal stairs I began singing my favourite kill song

'Define the meaning of war, to me it's what we do when we're bored, I feel the heat coming off of the black top and it makes me want it more, because I'm hyped up out of control, if it's a fight I'm ready to go, I wouldn't put my money on the other guy, if you know what I know that I know.'


Grinder is sure she is coming, part of me hopes she isn't, that she's hidden somewhere safe, that way I can't lose her for good. Part of me wants to see her walk up right now so I can take her home and protect her myself.

The storm was well under way and yet there was no sign of any movement within the building. The top left window, which we believe to be where Jerry is was the only light on in the building. Jeff had told Grinder there was upto 20 men in the building and after almost completely removing his thumb Jeff filled us in on what was in each room and who most of the 20 were. No way could Rosie face this alone, hell it'd be a damn good fight for the club to tackle.

"Wait, tell me you saw that" Grinder says pointing to the middle window on the bottom floor

"It was probably just the storm fucking with your eyes" Knuckles says after watching for a few minutes

"I'm telling you I saw something" Grinder says firmly. We all watch for a few minutes more when suddenly the building erupts with gunfire

"Fuck she must've snuck past us I'll call the guys" Knuckles says pulling out his phone. We strap our guns and run for the building. The rain is falling heavily, making listening difficult as we approach. I turn the corner to find a door wide open with a body lying in the doorway

"I knew she'd come" Grinder says stepping over the body. We follow a trail of blood and dead bodies upstairs, counted 8 so far, 12 to go. The rest of the guys arrive and while a few guard outside in case some one called for back up, we send Shotgun, Cueball and Wrench to the other side of the building. We clear the floor and head up another flight of stairs, there's a trail of blood but no more bodies, I think the blood is hers. I swallow my fear and keep going, I'm coming baby girl. We clear it until we're on the top floor, I know which room she will end in, we clear the floor and are two rooms away from the end game when a body sits up and fires. The bullet misses and I fire straight for him, killing him instantly.

We come to the final room, Jerrys room, and it's locked. There's silence, no gun fire, no screams, nothing. The door is locked, we stand still listening closely for any sign of life when I hear a chair scrape on the floor

"We gotta get in there" I whisper and Grinder nods in agreement. Grinder to the left, Knuckles to the right I step back and slam my boot into the lock. The door flies from its hinges in a loud crash. Jerry is face down on the floor, blood seeping from his head as Rosie stands above him, her face pure evil. She lifts her gun and points it straight at me, but she doesn't fire. She keeps the gun on me and steps back until her back meets the wall. Blood is running freely from her upper arm and her left thigh, the t-shirt under her jacket crimson with blood, I hope it's not hers. I see her begin to fade as the gun lowers, she jumps and aims at me again

"Baby girl, it's me, you're safe now" I whisper putting my hands up and taking a step towards her. I look into her eyes and it's as if she isn't there. Her face void of emotion, her pale blue eyes now black. Grinder steps into the room to the side of me

"She won't see you right now, she needs to snap out of it first" Grinder says taking a step closer to her, she moves her gun to aim for Grinder

"You did it Rosie, you killed Jerry, its over now" he says stepping forward again. She lowers her arm and drops the gun on the floor. I walk over to her and she falls into me. I lift her head up to see she's lost consciousness, I pick her up and run.

Doc meets me at the bottom of the stairs and we run for the van. Grinder hot on my heels. Doc and I climb in the back with Rosie and Grinder speeds off, first to the clubhouse, but then Doc diverts us to his clinic.

"We need to get her clothes off so I can survey the damage" Doc says and we take off her leather jacket, t-shirt, boots and then leather pants. She been shot three times, once in the upper left arm, once in her left thigh and once in the stomach. Doc gets me to put pressure on her stomach while he wraps her arm and leg. I help him wrap her stomach tight

"I need to get the bullets out but this will do until we get to the clinic, my nurse Kate is meeting me there, we can trust her" Doc says checking Rosie for any other injuries. After 15 minutes we pull up at the clinic and I pick Rosie up running for the door. I carry her through and lay her on a table

"Reaper, you need to go wait outside. I need to be able to work, if I'm going to save her, trust me I'll do everything I can" I growl but before I can respond Grinder grabs hold of me and forces me out of the door.

"Let him work Reap, you know he's good and she's tough, she's going to make it" he says blocking the door to stop me trying to go back in there. I sit in one of the chairs, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

"Jerry is still alive, they're taking him back to the cells" Knuckles says running into the corridor. Knuckles is followed by Machete

"I was going to kill her when I got my hands on her but I feel more like giving her a fucking patch" Machete says sitting down next to me before continuing "Did you see that place. She killed every fucker in there, 22 bodies and Hernandez is just about alive"

Knuckles leaves to update Alicia and Machete takes calls about the clean up and handling of Jerry but I can't hear any of it. All I can think of is the times I spent with Rosie, watching her dance, riding with her wrapped around me, the time we sat in the desert together and making love to her just before she left me. I enjoyed fucking her, but that morning the way we held and touched each other, the feel of her warm skin under my fingers, the feel of her lips on mine and holding her in my arms watching her sleep.

After hours of waiting Doc finally comes out of the room, still covered in blood

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