Chapter 12

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I wake up and hear my phone buzzing I pick it up and answer but there's no one there

"Who the fuck is this? Four times you've called me in the last week, fuck off" I say before ending the call, I notice a text from Alicia asking if I'm up yet. I climb out of bed and grab my underwear and skirt. I can't find my top, it got thrown somewhere last night, so I grab Reapers t-shirt and head out the door. I meet Alicia in the corridor and we head downstairs.

I sit at the counter smoking a cigarette while Alicia helps make breakfast.

"You're Reapers old lady" the woman says eyeing my up and down.

"Fuck no, I'm ain't anyone's old lady" I say laughing.

"Sure, well I'm Roxanne, I'm Butchers old lady"

"Nice to meet you Roxanne I'm Rosie" she goes back to making breakfast, she's gorgeous, tall, slim, long blonde hair, green eyes, I'm guessing she's around Reapers age.

"Oh Alicia, I love this song, turn it up" I say as Papa Roach comes on the radio. She turns it up and I start dancing around the kitchen.

"So that's where my shirt went" I hear from behind me, I turn around and see a shirtless Reaper leaning in the doorway looking me up and down

"You look sexy in my clothes Baby girl" he says walking over to me

"I lost my top and didn't think you'd like me walking around here topless"

"Dumb bitch, put the clothes on you came in" Alicia says laughing.

"Fuck me I forgot, good idea 'licia" I brush passed Reaper and head back to his room, I take off his t-shirt and my skirt and put on my jeans and red shirt from yesterday. I head back downstairs and the kitchen is full of guys eating breakfast. I give Reaper his t-shirt and head over to Alicia. I help her and Roxanne clean up after breakfast and then we head outside. I light a cigarette and walk over to the long line of motorcycles. I don't know which I like staring at more, hotties with bodies or motorcycles. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Ready for me to take you home Baby girl?" I nod

"Knuckles has some business so I'll take you and Alicia back in my truck" he says walking over to the black pick up parked on the opposite side to the motorcycles.

The ride home is fun, I'm sat in the middle between Reaper and Alicia, Reaper kept his hand on my thigh the whole time, his touch sends sparks through my body. I think I'm getting used to the idea of him being around. He pulls up on the driveway and we head inside.

"Morning boys, miss me?" I say to Nathan and Alex who are in the living room

"Didn't miss the fucking wake up call, there's mail in the kitchen for you Rosie" Alex says never looking away from the TV. I head into the kitchen, sit on the counter, light a cigarette and go through the mail. All bullshit, but the last one, I know that envelope. I rip it open and study the letter in front of me

Miss Montague

As stated in our previous correspondence we were unable to contact you to speak at the parole hearing of one Jerry Hernandez. Due to your lack of testimony and prison overcrowding he will be released 14 days from this letter. There is a restraining order in place preventing him from making any contact with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Mr. M. Crowley
Crowley legal services

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking fuck. He's fucking out? Fuck he got out a week ago fuck, he's going to fucking find me. Fuck.


"What's the matter Baby girl?" I ask walking around the counter to her, the color has drained from her face and she has a look I've never seen before, fear. I reach out to grab her hand but she runs. Runs straight passed me to her room and locks the door.

"Baby Girl, open the door" suddenly loud music fills the house coming from her room. I head back downstairs to Alicia

"Oh fuck it's Pantera, Nathan, get your tools ready, I'll get the first aid kit" Alicia says walking into the kitchen with a box.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask Alicia

"Whenever she plays this song, this is her angry song, she smashes up her room, we're ok as long as Slipknot doesn't come on next, then the house is getting totalled" she says casually, like it's nothing

"And why is she doing this?"

"Last time she did it was when she had that letter, time before that was just before she went on the meds for her nightmares" Nathan says walking into the kitchen with a toolbox in his hand. 5 minutes alone ends and I hear glass break. Duality by Slipknot comes on

"Oh fuck, here we go" Alex says holding a cushion over his head. Suddenly there's a loud crash and I see glass and a chair fall onto the front lawn. Did she just throw a chair out her bedroom window? She's fucking insane. I head back up the stairs and her door is still locked, I break it open and look around her room. Everything is smashed, she's punched holes in the walls, her bed is flipped over, not to mention her bedroom window is smashed. I look over and see her step out of her closet, blood pouring from her knuckles, she's wearing combat trousers, boots, a tank top and her leather jacket. She slings a military style hold-all over her shoulder and heads for the stairs.

"Baby girl, what's going on? Talk to me, I can help" I say following her down the stairs. She stays silent and heads passed everyone to the garage. She climbs on her motorcycle and the engine roars to life, she's gone before I can stop her. I storm back into the house

"Where the fuck is she going? Why didn't you guys help me stop her?"

"She's going to the desert, she'll be back on Thursday for work. This is what she does, she'll be fine trust us" Alicia says stroking my arm.

"What made her like that?" I ask looking for the letter. She's taken it with her. She is definitely hiding something. I tell Alicia to call me if any of them hear from Rosie and head back to the clubhouse.

"Reaper, church now" Machete says as soon as I step off my bike, great just what I need, my head is all fucked up from wherever the fuck just happened with Rosie. I head inside and take my seat at the table

"Ok men, Knuckles has just come back from gathering intel, I wanted you all to hear what he has to say" Machete says gesturing to Knuckles

"I got a guy on the inside of those fucking bean eaters. He still doesn't know why they burnt down Stans, he thinks they want to spread their territory. But they ain't fucking happy about the other night, that we killed 8 of their guys, some how they got word a girl killed two of them, the VP's girl and they want her." He looks over to me before continuing "they got a new guy too a Jerry Hernandez, just got out of jail and has a score to settle with some one, but I don't know who"

"Ok well first off, Reaper, bring Rosie here, she really helped the club out, the least we can do is keep her safe. Second I don't give a shit why they burned Stans down, we are going to take them down. Third anyone know this Hernandez? Find out who he's after, see if we can use it against them" Machete says before bringing Church to a close. The men step out and I pull Machete to one side

"One problem Machete, Rosie has gone AWOL."

"What you mean fucking AWOL"

"I don't know what happened, she got a letter freaked out and left, her friends said she goes to the desert when she gets like this, but she'll be back by Thursday"

"We need to find her before the fucking Mexicans do, I think a lot of that girl, I want her safe, send a crew out scouting for her, you go with them" Machete says before leaving for his office. Fuck I need to find my girl, fast. I know she's tough, but in the desert alone surrounded by Mexicans she won't last long.

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