Chapter 31

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It's been a couple of weeks since I took Rosie for her first ride, she's ridden Bessie now too so she's happy again. She's been training with Grinder, I said she wasn't ready but she insisted, she wants to get rid of Jerry soon, so she can move on. She's getting stronger and Doc said she's almost completely healed, but I can tell when she comes out of training she's pushed it too hard.

I headed down to the armoury and find Rosie using a fake sword with Grinder, she's spinning and attacking him and he's blocking her with padded arms. I stay back and watch for a few minutes. They stop and Grinder turns to take off his padding. She clutches her stomach with her free hand and drops the sword on the floor

"Baby girl, you gotta stop pushing it" I say placing my hand on her lower back

"I'm fine Reaper, I need to do this, Jerry has been alive too long"

"Just put a bullet in his head"

"She can't, she has to do it the right way" Grinder says coming back over

"All the pain and suffering he's caused to my family, I can't give him a quick painless death. I need him to suffer" she says standing back up straight.

"Let's call it a day Rosie, go get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow" Grinder says putting their stuff away. We head upstairs and she has a shower and changes before we head to the bar

Machete just called her into his office and I know this won't end well. I'm sat in the bar with the guys, but I want to break down the office door and protect her. I hear a smash followed by a gunshot. The bar falls silent and I run for the office, Doc knew what was coming so he was hot on my heels. Rosie is on the floor holding her arm. He fucking shot her. I know he had to, but he fucking shot her

"It will not happen again Rosie, or I will end you" Machete roars before winking at Rosie and leaving. Rosie winks back at him and looks to me. Doc bends down and begins working on her gunshot, she's got a black eye and a busted lip too. I shut the office door

"I'm so sorry baby girl, I should've stopped this" I say cupping her cheek

"No, no, don't tell anyone but Machete said he didn't want to punish me so we just did what would look good for the guys, the bruises on my face and he shot me in my arm so it won't affect my plans for Jerry, I'm fine, honestly. Machete and I can be good now" she says. Wow, she really does fit in here.

Doc finishes cleaning her up and she stands up

"Carry me upstairs through the bar" she says giggling. I can't help but laugh. I pick her up and she puts on a performance like Officer Petey is here and I make sure I look angry. We walk through the bar and it falls silent once again. I don't look up I just take Rosie to my room. Once inside I put her down.

"I think that worked. I told Machete I would stay at my house tonight, is that ok?" She says looking at her face in the bathroom mirror, I nod

"Alicia said she's going to ask Knuckles to spend the night there too, she knows but Knuckles doesn't"

I help her out to the lot and she lights a cigarette. Grinder comes out

"Rosie are you ok? Look what he did to you" he says lifting her arm

"I'm ok Grinder, he had to punish me, it's over and done with now" she says pulling her arm away. Knuckles and Alicia come out of the clubhouse, Alicia has a face like thunder, but winks at Rosie subtly

"Fuck" Knuckles says looking at Rosie's face before continuing "How you holding up brother"

"I'm pissed, but you can't go against the prez, she says she's ok" I say firmly

"Lets head home" Alicia says walking over to Knuckles motorcycle.


Did it hurt? Definitely, but Machete and I talked and I owed it to him after disobeying him in front of his men. This way it looks like he beat me for breaking the rules, but really it was two punches, which he didn't hit me full force and then the shot. He said he wouldn't shoot me in the leg so I was still able to get around. He's a good man.

We pull up at my house and head inside. Alex and Nathan are playing call of duty in the living room

"Hey guys, miss me?" I say hugging them from behind the sofa. They visited a few times but I haven't seen them much lately. It doesn't look like they missed me because they can't even look away from the TV.

"Hey Rosie, nice to have you back, when you coming back to work?" Nathan asks

"Soon, I've just got one thing to do and then I will. Alex, I'll need your tattoo skills shortly"

"Just hit me up when you need me Rosie" he says. We head into the kitchen and sit at the counter. Alicia pulls four beers out the fridges and shares them out. I light a cigarette

"Roro, there's something I need to tell you" she says sitting down

"Shoot" I say

"Knuckles and I want to get our own place, so I'll be moving out of here" she says nervously

"Oh my god my little girls all grown up. Will I be an Aunt soon?" Knuckles nearly choked on his beer when I said that. Alicia laughs

"Well if we're sharing. Just after I got out of the clinic, I agreed to be Reapers old lady" I say. She punches my good arm

"And you didn't tell me, you bitch. Good job I love you" she tries and fails to say angrily

"Umm, ouch I love you too bitch" I reply. We stay hanging out in the kitchen listening to music and drinking for a while before we head up to bed. I put on my own pyjamas for the first time in months and climb into bed next to Reaper

"I prefer it when you sleep in my shirt" he says tugging on my top

"I do too" I say curling up against his side. I trace the tattoo on his chest with my finger

"I'm going to see Jerry tomorrow I've decided"

"But baby girl you've just been shot and your face is bruised" he says stroking my hair

"I'll cover my face with make up and you saw what I did to Mateo and Sebastian with one hand, imagine what I can do with two. The time has come, I need to end him and then figure out where my life is going to go now I'm not hiding"

"Where do you want your life to go baby girl?"

"I don't know, I always thought I would hide here until he found me, then I would take Bessie and run, either find a new place to hide or just keep riding" he pulls me closer

"You can do whatever you want to do baby girl and I'll help you get there" he whispers before kissing the top of my head.

"I love you Reaper. Wherever I go from here I know I want you with me"

"I love you too. I'll always be here"

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