Chapter 5

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I arrive back at the clubhouse just as everyone is flying out of the gates on their motorcycles

"Knuckles the fuck is everyone going?"

"Some gangbanger just Molotov'd Stans bar" without hesitation I turn on my bike and follow suit towards Stans, taking my place in the procession behind the Prez, Machete.

We arrive at Stans and it's burnt to the ground. Prez and I head over to Stan, who was obviously inside when it happened, his clothes and face are stained with soot

"The fuck happened Stan?" Machete says surveying the smouldering foundations where Stans Bar used to be

"Three spicks in an escalade pulled up out front, jumped out threw Molotovs and bolted, mother fucking bean eaters" Stan says lighting a cigarette

"Where the fuck are we going to party now?" Knuckles says walking over to the two traumatised girls that were inside the bar, oh I'm sure he'll comfort them real good.

"Hey Knuckles, I got an idea, Titanium, I was there last night, we could hit that place up next weekend" I say before turning back to Machete

"As long as you got a place to party huh boys? Never mind the fact the Mexicans just sent us a clear message of war. I'm calling church for this evening so we can come up with a plan for retaliation. Those mother fuckers aren't getting away with this" he says spitting on the ground. Just what I wanted, war with the Mexicans.


Sunday nights are always slower, people with jobs can't party on a Sunday night, it's only the jobless or students that we normally get. My boss Mark let me finish early seen as it was quiet, so I grabbed a beer and a shot of jack and headed for the dance floor. I down my shot and start dancing, a few regulars come over and start dancing with me, guys I've served for years who are genuinely friendly, normally I would take one of them home but after last night I don't think they can compete. I still can't get Reaper out of my head, the way his touch set me on fire. After an hour of drinking and dancing I'm pretty buzzed, the club closes up and we head for my truck, Alicia and Alex have both got 'friends' to bring home. Alicia drives with her man in the passenger seat, Alex has his girl on his lap in the back and I sit on Nathan's lap in the back, this truck was not built for 6, only just fits four.

"Oh I love this song, turn it up" I shout as fear of the dark comes on the radio. I sit on Nathan's lap singing away, all too aware of the fact I am not sober, but I'm happy. We pull up at the house and Alicia and Alex head straight for their rooms

"First one to scream gets a donut" I shout after them knowing all too well I share a wall with Alex and will have to listen to that little thing he brought home moaning and screaming his name until dawn.

"I'm going to shower before bed, I'm all sticky from the dance floor, night Nathan" I say before heading up to my room.

I wake to knocking on my front door. I get up and feel the hangover headache kick in, I open my bedroom window and look down to the front door

"The fuck you wan-" I see Reaper looking up at me, shit yeah, Bessie. I run down to the front door and open it

"Morning baby girl" he says looking me up and down, I look down and realise I'm wearing the tiniest shorts and tank I own, I look back up to him and he leans in to whisper in my ear "I see you still got my mark" he leans down and softly kisses the bruise where he bit my neck.

"Roro, I got a fucking problem" Alicia shouts running down the stairs to me

"I got a level 5 clinger, I could tell him I have herpes and he won't leave"

"You need my help?" Reaper asks stepping in through the door

"Oh no, I fucking got this, I love these" I say heading for the stairs, I go into my room and head for the closet, pulling out my sawn off shotgun and two shells. Reaper lingers at the top of the stairs watching me. I storm into Alicia's room

"We got a fucking problem boy?" I growl loading the gun and cocking it before pointing it at his head, the naked man in Alicia's bed turns white and looks to Alicia. I grab Alicia and pull her in for a passionate kiss

"This bitch is mine, I just let her get dick to keep her happy, get the fuck out my house before I need to bury another body" I hear Reaper laugh behind me. The boy is too scared to move, I point the gun at the ceiling and fire, drywall flutter down over him and in two seconds flat he's grabbing his clothes and running for the door. Alex and Nathan run into the room

"Who you shoot now, I'm not cleaning blood again" Nathan says looking around the room

"I got to redo the ceiling again? Fuck me, I'll go get my tools" Nathan says heading back to his room

"Thanks bitch, love you" Alicia says before heading to her bathroom, I lower my gun and head to my room to put it away

"Again? You shoot ceilings regularly?" Reaper asks following me into my bedroom

"Only for Level 5's, Alicia always seems to attract them, I haven't met a clinger I can't scare away yet" I say laughing laying my shotgun in the case in my closet.

"I gotta say, you're pretty sexy with a gun baby girl" he says pressing his chest against my back, I feel my body shudder at his touch, but pull myself back to reality

"You're here to work on Bessie, you head down to the garage and I'll be down once I'm dressed" I say reaching for clothes. He walks out the room and downstairs. It's going to be hard to control myself today, I just want his body on me. But I can't fuck him more than once or he'll get attached and then I will and then everything will just blow up in my face.

I don't work Monday nights so I use Monday to catch up on laundry, I get dressed in denim cut off shorts and an AC/DC tank and head downstairs with my laundry, put it in the machine, grab two beers and head for the garage.

"How's my beauty looking Reap?" I ask walking into the garage before handing him a beer. He takes the beer and takes a sip

"Well you're right, the fuel line is blocked, so that needs flushing out and it's been sat too long so the oil and sparks will need changing before she's good to go again" he says I changed that oil myself last month so I know it's bullshit, but I'll go with it, watching him in his tight white t-shirt getting covered in oil will entertain me for the day.



The oil doesn't need changing but I'm going to make this job last the day so I can get to know her better or at least work to getting her in my bed again

"How 'bout we play 20 questions while I work? Make the time go" I say watching her bend over the work bench to grab some tools, she's got tiny denim cut off shorts on, showing off her lean long legs, I remember the feel of those wrapped around my waist, makes me hard thinking about it.

"Ok but I'm going first" she says turning and walking back over to the bike, she sits on the floor next to me watching me remove the fuel lines


"Eli Jackson, yours Roro?"

"Rosie Sparrow Montague, age?"

"32, you?"

"23, wow daddy, you just might be the oldest guy I've fucked" I nearly choked on my beer when she called me daddy, I like it

"Were you born here?'

"Yes, I've lived here all my life, the club took me in when I was 12, you?"

"No I moved here when I was 19, but I think I'm here for good. I need to go swap my laundry over, I'll be back" she gets up and I watch her walk away, she knows I'm watching because her hips are swaying.

She comes back and we spend the rest of the day working on her bike and talking, she's starting to warm to me I know it. At least I thought so until after dinner she kicked me out. I'll get her though.

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