Chapter 7

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Not that Alicia was excited but the bar was restocked and cleaned in record time. We grabbed our jackets and bags and ran for the door

"Nath here's the keys for the truck, we're going to the clubhouse, see you tomorrow" I say never stopping and throwing the keys at him. We get outside and are greeted by the cool air. I light a cigarette and look around. For 3am on a Friday night there's still plenty of people around. I grab Alicia's hand and walk to the curb, I look around for their motorcycles but I don't see them. Suddenly I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist, I turn in the hold and look up to meet Reapers eyes

"Hey baby girl, you and Alicia ready to ride?" He asks looking from me to Alicia. I know it's mean, but I noticed his reaction when I called him Daddy, so I've decided every time he calls me baby girl I'll call him Daddy

"Yes Daddy" I say biting on my lower lip, there it is, that reaction haha, it's his turn to be jelly! Knuckles walks over and wraps his arm around Alicia's shoulder

"Hey Kitten, you ready to get on my bike?" He asks Alicia

"Oh fuck yeah" she says, she's like a teenager, I love her.

We get on the back of the guys bikes and I wrap my arms around Reapers solid waist. We hit the highway and speed up, Knuckles comes up along side Reaper and Alicia and I smile at each other

"You look like a biker whore bitch" I shout to Alicia over the roar of engines

"Says the biker slut, bitch" she shouts back, we wave our hands in the air enjoying feeling so free. The ride is over all too soon as the guys pull up into the clubhouse

"Damn Roro, I'm surprised you didn't cum in the parking lot with all these bikes to gawk at" Alicia says climbing off Knuckles bike

"Nearly did 'Licia, aren't they pretty, I'm such a bike whore" I say looking along the line of motorcycles all beautiful and shiny. Knuckles gets off his bike and walks over to Alicia, he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder

"Say goodnight Kitten" he says walking towards the door, Alicia lifts her head and waves at me before they disappear inside. Reaper wraps his arm around my waist and guides me inside. We head up to his room and he opens the door for me. This time I take charge.

I slam him back into the door as he closes it crashing my lips into his, I bite on his lower lip before his lips part and I slide my tongue in, relishing in his taste of whiskey and tobacco. While our lips are still locked I slide off my jacket before reaching up and pushing his cut from his shoulders to the floor. He runs his hands down my body before hooking my thighs and pulling me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and he walks over to the bed, sitting down with me on top of him. I kiss the stubble across his jawline before moving to his neck and leaving a bite to match the one he gave to me, he lets out a moan when I run my tongue over it. He reaches for my shirt and pulls it over my head, his lips meet mine again. His hands tracing my breasts through my bra. I lift his shirt over his head and trail kisses along his shoulder, I push him back onto the bed and trail my lips down his chest to is rock hard abs, running my tongue over the muscles, savouring his taste. He reaches up and unclasps my bra sending in to the floor, his hands move to the button of my leather pants, he slides the zip down before his hand reaches into my pants and he strokes me over my panties, I let out a soft moan

"Oh baby girl, you're so wet for me" he says continuing to stroke me

"Oh yeah Daddy" I whisper in his ear, I shouldn't have done that. Hearing that drives him over the edge and he grips me roughly throwing me down on the bed and pinning me down with his body. He rips my leather pants and panties from my body before throwing his jeans and boxers with them, within seconds he's back on top of me. He grabs my ankles and places them on his shoulders before thrusting himself into me almost violently, I gasp which then turns into a moan, he grips my hips and begins to pound into me, rougher than before I reach down and grip his thighs, my nails digging into his skin, I can't stop from moaning over and over, each thrust sending pleasure mixed with pain soaring through my body

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