Chapter 21

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I storm out of the clubhouse and light a cigarette. Fuck Machete. No intel on Jerry so we're meant to sit and wait, while more guys get shot? I don't fucking think so. I've got four weeks until this cast comes off, four weeks to make my plan and end Jerry before he hurts anyone else. I turn and punch the wall, the dull throb from my knuckles eases away the anger coursing through my veins.

"Don't break that hand too" Reaper says hopping over to me. Game time bitch

"Sorry, I understand what I did, Machete was right to hit me, I stepped out of line. I'm just upset you got hurt" I say helping him into a chair. Reaper takes my chin in his hand and examines my face

"He shouldn't have hit you so hard, but all the guys heard what you said so he had to show discipline" Reaper says before letting me go

"It's ok, I understand" men are so fucking easy. Oh it's ok that he hit me even though I'm right. Silly little girl I am. Fuck me.

"What was all that about anyway?"

"Nothing, I was just upset about you getting hurt and we started arguing about what to do about Jerry. I shouldn't have argued. You've all been so good to me, so I'm going to step back and let him deal with it, I'll just help where he lets me" do I sound like a pussy? Cos I think I do. Reaper kisses the top of my head

"Wanna go blow off some steam in the gun range?" Reaper asks

"Umm fuck yeah" I say jumping up. He does still know me then.

The next few days were my best act yet, playing nurse for my man and kissing ass to Machete. Machete forgave me and we went back to that father daughter bond. I had just finished helping clean up after breakfast when I stepped outside to smoke, Reaper hopped along and sat beside me.

"Roro! Roro!" I hear Alicia shouting from the clubhouse. She charges outside jumping up and down

"Knuckles asked me to be his old lady" she beams

"Holy fuck, congrats 'licia, I'm happy for you bitch" I say pulling her in for a hug.

"Oh my fucking god PLEASE let me be there when you tell your dad" I say thinking back to when she introduced me to her dad, my tattoos, piercings and leather went over horrifically, which is what Alicia wanted because she hates her Dad.

"Definitely and you can bring Reaper, we'll double date it and watch him die before he throws money at the problem" she says obviously thinking about her Dad. Knuckles walks out and I look up to him

"Now Knuckles, Alicia is my little sister and I must remind you, you hurt her I'll kill you" I say looking at him as sternly as possible

"Fuck off Roro, you know I love her" he says laughing walking over to Reaper.

"My little girls all grown up" I say holding her hands. I look over to the guys and see Reaper staring at me, I smile at him before going back to Alicia.

After Alicia has calmed down I help Reaper back to his room and sit him on the bed.

"You alright baby girl?"

"Yeah fine, you ok?"

"Yep, I'm happy for Knuckles and Alicia, they look happy" I look over to him, oh crap I know that look in his eyes, don't do it dude, I love you but don't do it.

"Yeah, they're happy, Alicia said to me not long ago she wanted a relationship. The last boyfriend she had was a while ago, she always looks good in a relationship" I say please take the hint she likes boyfriends, I don't. Oh fuck it, he won't take the hint

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