Chapter 25

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Well, this is it. My last day with my new family. It started better than expected after I woke half the clubhouse last night screaming from my nightmare. I'm glad Reaper and I were able to make peace before I leave, I woke up in his arms this morning and for the first time in my life we made love, didn't fuck. It was gentle but filled with love and passion. Doc had just finished removing my cast and testing my dexterity when Reaper and Grinder came into the room.

"What do you say Doc, she got a clean bill of health?" Grinder asks

"Well it's only a few days early, we'll have to monitor for swelling, but the minimal pain and movement are good signs" Doc says closing up his bag.

"Good, boy have we got a plan for you Rosie" Reaper says picking me up bridal style and heading for the door. Reaper put me on my feet next to my motorcycle, which was parked next to Reapers and Grinders.

"You up for a ride baby girl?" I don't even need to answer, I jump on Bessie and her engine roars to life. Reaper tells me to follow them and we head out on the open road. I wanted to open her up and fly but I kept my speed down and followed them safely.

We arrived back at the clubhouse just as the sun was setting. The day had been amazing, we went to a race track and raced motorcycles, I showed some of my stunt skills off on a sports bike, we raced cars, it was awesome. After lunch we went to a huge gun range and played with guns I'd only ever dreamed of. My hand was a little sore from over use but worth it. I climbed off Bessie and lit a cigarette

"Thank you for today guys, it was awesome. And it was nice to spend time with my man and my brother" I say as they walk from there motorcycles towards me

"Anytime BTK" Grinder says patting my shoulder the. Walking passed me into the clubhouse.

"Ok I gotta ask what's with those fucking nicknames?" Reaper asks I laugh and think for a minute how to dial down the crazy.

"Mine, BTK, stands for Bind, Torture, Kill and was the nickname of serial killer Dennis Raider and I call him Cottingham after the Torso killer Richard Cottingham. I know it's weird, but it was either that or wrestler names" I say trying to see him reaction before he calls me fucked up. He stares at me blankly for a second before bursting out laughing

"I suppose it's cooler than you calling him bestie, he did not like that" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We head to the clubhouse and sit in one of the booths. I'm going to miss this, everything right now seems perfect, everyone's happy and getting along. But they are all in danger if I don't follow through. I sigh before taking a sip from my beer

"What's the matter baby girl?" Reaper asks pulling me closer

"Nothing Daddy, I'm just tired, today was the best day, but it's worn me out" I reply resting my head against him. He stands and pulls me to my feet and we head up to his room. Nathan had spent the day fixing the damage for me and his room looked almost back to normal. We got into bed and the rough passionate sex that followed was earth shattering. I savoured every touch, taste and scent as it was the last time. I would never forget it and silently prayed once this was all over I would be back in this bed with the man I love. We lay intertwined and I ran my finger over the tattoo on his chest, the swirling smoke that surrounded a grim reaper on a motorcycle. He drifted off to sleep and I painted a mental picture of it before falling asleep myself.

I woke at 3am, it was still dark and I knew it was time. I was going to just leave but in the end I decided to leave a note. I scribbled quickly and then grabbed the stuff I needed before walking out of the club house to Bessie. I pushed her out of the compound and down the road a little before starting her up and heading into the night. Goodbye my family, I hope I will see you again.


I woke to sunlight on my face. Yesterday was perfect, I don't remember the last time I saw her so happy. Watching her and Grinder I saw the brother sister bond and any of my lingering hatred of their friendship had gone. I opened my eyes to find the bed cold and empty, I had hoped yesterday would've eased her lack of sleep but obviously not. I head to the bathroom and take a shower before getting dressed. I went over to my nightstand a spotted a piece of paper on it

I love you
Forgive me

What the fuck? We were happy, forgive for what? I run for the kitchen and find Alicia

"You know anything about this?" I say throwing the note at her, she picks it up and reads it

"No, she never leaves notes. Maybe she's gone to the desert? Doesn't want you to be mad?" Alicia says before going deep into thought

"What is it Reaper?" Grinder asks getting up from the table. I show him the note and the colour drains from his face

"We need to go to her house and check it out" he says heading outside. We got to Rosie's house in more than record time and charge for her room. Alex was just coming out of bed

"What's going on?" He asks still half asleep

"Rosie left" Grinder says heading into her bedroom. Alex follows us and Grinder heads for her closet, her clothes are still there but her go-bag is gone. Grinder pulls back her clothes and reveals a keypad on the wall

"Fuck" he mutters. Alex steps over and enters the code

"When I started doing her tattoos she told me about this" he says pointing at the now moving wall. It opens to reveal a weapons store, which is completely empty.

"Fuck she took everything, she's on to something big" Grinder says punching the wall

"What does this mean?" I ask hoping my instinct is wrong

"I killed the creator of my demon, hers is still alive, but not for long. I knew this would happen" he says growing angrier by the minute.

"We need to get back to the clubhouse and get the whole club in on this, we need to find her before she finds him" I say exiting the room.

Back at the clubhouse I found Machete in his office and brought him up to date on the situation. To say he was pissed was an understatement. Turns out when he slapped her this is what they were arguing about, she wanted to go after Jerry alone, maybe with some of our weapons and he forbade it. Now she's done it anyway, he will not forgive easily. Still he cared for her, Machete had always had a reputation for being ruthless, cold and evil but when my Mom died he took me in and raised me, he gave Grinder something to focus his demon on and he was obviously trying to do the same for Rosie.

He called church and we all sat down

"Men, it seems one of our women has gone rogue. I am not going to discuss what I will do to her now. What we need to focus on is stopping her getting herself killed and get to her before she gets to Hernandez. If he doesn't kill her the many men protecting him will. We were previously unable to locate him, she must have information we don't. We need to find out and fucking fast" he says looking around the table. The prospect Smith began shuffling in his seat, he the one Rosie refers to as 'the prospect who hates me' because I always had him guarding her and she always knocked his ass out. He wasn't impressed when I asked him to tail her, but was happier when I told him not to approach her.

"Umm, I think I have an idea" he stutters out. Prospects ideas are rarely welcomed in church they are to sit, listen and do as told.

"Spit it out Smith" Machete growls

"I had to tail her, what if we try the places she went to when she thought no one was watching?" He says turning red under the gaze of all the men. Once this is over we need stronger prospects.

"Well done Smith, go and write a list of the places" Machete says dismissing him. Smith beams with pride like a toddler pissing in his potty for the first time and heads out.

"Noses to the floor men, we need to get on her scent and find her, so I can kill her myself" he says before dismissing the rest of us.

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