Chapter 17

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Last night Rosie stayed by my side the whole time we were in the bar, I carried her to bed and she slept in my arms. I woke up this morning to see her still asleep in my arms and I just lay there watching her sleep, her face looks so peaceful under all the swelling and bruising, which is fuelling a fire burning inside me to rip Jerry into shreds, but when I see my girl in my arms sleeping peacefully it calms me. I lean down and kiss her forehead

"Morning Daddy" she whispers slowly opening her good eye.

"Morning baby girl, sleep ok?"

"Much better in your arms" she says placing a kiss on my side.

"Let's get you some breakfast baby girl" I say getting up out of bed. She stands up and I guide her to the kitchen. I help her sit at the table and go and get her a can of redbull out of the fridge.

"Oh you know how to please a girl" she says reaching for the can and taking a long sip. She lights a cigarette and rests back against the back of the chair.

"Morning Roro" Alicia says coming out of the pantry and heading to the stove. Alicia is fitting in really well, she loves cooking for the guys so she was instantly a hit with them all. Alicia makes plates of pancakes, bacon and eggs and lays them out on the counter, the men filter in and take their seats. Rosie gets up and goes over to the counter taking a few pieces of bacon

"Oh my god I'm going to pass out. Is that my Roro eating breakfast foods other than cigarettes and redbull" Alicia says

"Fuck you bitch, I'm hungry" Rosie says with a mouthful of bacon

"Now there's my Roro" Alicia laughs

"I'm heading outside for some air" Rosie says walking out of the kitchen, I nod to the prospect to follow her and he walks out of the kitchen door behind her. Seconds later he flies back into the kitchen

"I don't need a fucking babysitter Reaper, I'm not going to run, I'll just be in the parking lot" she says sticking her head back through the kitchen door before heading back outside.

"That's my baby girl" I say laughing as the prospect gets up from the floor

"How's she holding up?" Knuckles asks sitting down next to me, pulling Alicia onto his lap

"Well, that's the first time she's acted like the Rosie I know since I got her back" I say thinking back to how she stuck to my side all night.

"She fell for you before she got kidnapped, I told her as much, maybe she finally realised it" Alicia says

"I like it don't get me wrong, but I miss my feisty girl" I say taking a sip from my coffee

"Give her time, she's taken one hell of a beating" Knuckles says

I finish my breakfast and head outside. I find her sat on the floor against the wall with her head resting on her knees

"You alright baby girl?" I ask sitting on the floor next to her

"Yeah" she whispers, I pick her up and pull her onto my lap, she nuzzles her head into my neck

"You're safe now baby girl" I say stroking her hair

"I know" she whispers into my neck I lift her chin up so she's looking into my eyes, her eyes look different, gone is the passion and the fire, her pale blue eyes just look numb. I lean down and press my lips to hers, she kisses me back deeply, I run my tongue across her bottom lip and she parts her lips, I taste all of her, the taste I missed so much, I want to take her here on the floor, but I don't want to hurt her, she seems so broken, so vulnerable. Our kiss is interrupted when the door to the clubhouse bursts open

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