Chapter 30

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I was in my office catching up on the work I missed. Alicia texted me to tell me she thinks the spa day was a success and now Rosie is watching wrestling with Grinder.

"I spoke with Rosie" Machete says from my office

"She's a good kid, her punishment will be fair" he says before walking away. I look back to my paperwork and carry on working

"Hey Reaper, where's Rosie?" Grinder asks

"I thought she was watching wrestling with you" I say standing it, he shakes his head and I barge passed him to the media room. Sure enough she's on the floor, blood coming from her head

"Damnit baby girl. Grinder, go get Doc" I say picking her up and laying her on the couch. Doc comes in and checks her over, she begins to wake up

"Baby girl, what the hell were you doing?" I ask standing over her

"I left my phone upstairs, so I couldn't call anyone to help me, I thought I could do it" she says. Doc stitches the cut on her head and heads out

"Rosie, enough now, you need to let us help until you're better, you're only getting yourself hurt more" I say picking her up. She nods and I carry her into the bar where at least the prospect can keep an eye on her. After I finished my work I went and joined her in the bar, she had music playing and was singing along

"Hey Daddy, don't worry prospect who hates me has been watching intently. He didn't watch me this hard when he was tailing my ass" she says lighting a cigarette

"You knew I was there?" He asks looking up from the bar to her

"Of course I knew you were there dumbass. I didn't notice you until I was leaving the gun shop though, which is really unusual for me, so you must've done something right" she says with a wink.

"Daddy, wanna help me outside so I can get some air?" She asks looking over to me, I nod and pick her up

"Bye prospect who hates me" she laughs waving at Smith

"You know his name is Smith?"

"Yeah, but my name for him is more fun" she replies

We sit outside in comfortable silence for a while when I notice her staring at the motorcycles

"As soon as Doc says it's ok I'll take you for a ride" I say pulling her from her thoughts

"I can't wait" she smiles. Grinder comes out wiping blood from his cut knuckles

"Hey Cottingham, have fun?" Rosie asks as he sits down on the other side of her

"Oh yeah BTK, you want me to take you down there? You can watch me do it again" Grinder says with an evil grin

"No, I don't want him to see me weak. As soon as I'm healthy I'll go pay him a visit. Until then Jerry can sit and wait" Rosie says a flick of fire in her eyes. Grinder nods and heads back inside. I notice her shiver

"You cold Baby girl, wanna go back in?" I ask

"No, I haven't seen outside for a while" she smiles. I move over to her lift her up and rest her in my lap, wrapping my arms around her

"Warmer?" I ask and she nods.

"I love you" she says lacing her fingers in mine

"I love you too baby girl" I say kissing her forehead.


For the past two weeks I've followed orders and not done anything alone. I can walk now, but Reaper insists someone is there to watch me so I don't knock myself out again. He's sat on the opposite side of the bar to me talking business with Machete

"I need an adult" I shout across the bar, Reaper looks up and laughs at me. I keep trying to find more fun ways to ask for help than 'hey wanna help this cripple use the toilet'. Grinder walks over to me and offers his hand

"Thank you kind sir" I say sarcastically placing my hand in his, I stand and he links my arm around his

"M'lady" he replies as we head outside. I keep sitting outside looking at the motorcycles, my stomach is still hurting a bit too much for sitting on a motorcycle but I really wanna ride.

"Any day now Rosie, you're getting better every day" Grinder says helping me sit before sitting next to me, I light two cigarettes and hand him one

"I wanna ride now" I cry like a spoilt child. He laughs

"I've been meaning to ask, is Bessie ok?" I left her at my house before my mission and haven't seen her since

"Yep while you were at the clinic Knuckles went to your house and started her a few times. Reaper said not to bring her here in case seeing her made you sad, so when you can ride we'll go get her" Grinder informs me

"You guys are so good to me" I smile.

The next day I've got a check up with Doc at his clinic something about scanning my insides to check damage, I wasn't listening, I'm just going to ask him if I can ride yet. Reaper tried to carry me into the clinic but I insisted on walking.

"Morning Rosie, let's take you through" Doc says and I follow with Reaper holding onto me. I swear he thinks I'm a drunk who will fall any second. I lie on the table and lift my shirt. He pokes me a few times, one poke hurt a little but I didn't let on. He brings out an ultrasound machine and puts jelly made from ice on my stomach

"I can tell you now Doc it's not a boy or a girl, it's a pizza baby" I say as my insides show up on the screen, he laughs before turning serious looking at the screen

"What is it Doc?" Reaper asks like a parent panicking over his child

"It's nothing serious but when you were shot the bullet damaged your liver. I had to remove a small part of it, I wanted to see how it was healing" Doc replies moving the thing on my stomach around

"Fuck my liver, I just want to know if I can ride yet" I say trying to ignore the pain I'm getting from his pressing that damn thing down on my stomach.

"Well Rosie, it's actually looks good, I'm happy over all, I would say don't ride too long, but a short ride a couple of times a week should be alright and we'll see how you go" he says handing me a towel to wipe the gunk off.

"Reaper lets go, I wanna ride!" I say getting up off the table, I say goodbye to Doc and Reaper helps me into his truck. We head off for the clubhouse

"I get to ride my motorbike, I get to ride my bike!" I sing the whole way driving him insane. We pull up at the club house and Reaper goes to Prospect who hates me

"Take the van and go get Rosie's motorcycle from her house, bring it back here" Prospect who hates me nods and goes to retrieve the keys

"Grinder! Grinder! I can ride!" I squeal as he comes out the clubhouse

"Well lets go then BTK" he says heading for his motorcycle. Reaper climbs on his motorcycle and Grinder helps me get on the back before getting on his own

"Now baby girl, no hiding the pain, you feel anything you tell me" he says firmly

"Yes Daddy" not a chance in hell, I wanna ride. The engine roars to life and the vibrations underneath me bring a smile to my face as we roll out of the lot.

The wind in my hair, the sun on my skin and the roar of Reaper and Grinders motorcycles send me to heaven. I can't stop smiling. I feel free, free of my thoughts, feelings and pain. I wave my arms in the air, feeling the breeze flow around them

"You doing ok Baby girl?" Reaper shouts turning his head slightly

"I'm so fucking happy" I shout back, he accelerates slightly and we fly down the highway with Grinder by our side.

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