Chapter 8

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I've been walking for fucking days and I'm nowhere. Stupid bumfuck town. Ok maybe I haven't been walking for days, but I swear it's been an hour. I light my last cigarette and start walking again when I hear the roar of an engine, that'll be Knuckles with Alicia, maybe he can drop her off and come back for me. Oh fuck, that's a fat boy, and it's red, it's fucking Reaper. He pulls up alongside me

"Rosie, come on, I'll give you a ride home, no strings attached, just a ride" if my fuck me boots weren't killing my feet I'd say no but fuck it. I climb on the bike but I don't hold onto him, we head off and he speeds up.

We pull up on my driveway and I jump off the bike practically running for the door

"Rosie, wait." That voice, why am I so drawn to him? Why? I can't look at him. I run for the door and up to my room. I watch him get off his bike and head for my front door. Thank god the guys are still sleeping or they'd let him in. He starts pounding on my door.

"Rosie, I'm not leaving you alone until we talk" folks we've got a level 10 clinger, I've not dealt with one before. I head to my closet and grab my shotgun and two shells. I head over to my window and open it quietly. I point the gun down at the plant pot on the front step and fire

"Get the fuck off my property" I shout as he looks up at me.

"That doesn't scare me, I don't give a fuck if you think I'm a clinger, we need to fucking talk, open this fucking door" is it bad his anger turns me on? What is wrong with me? Suddenly I hear the front door open. Nathan you bastard. Within seconds Reaper is in my room.

"Put the gun down and talk to me Rosie" he says putting one hand out in front of him

"Oh calm down I'm not going to actually shoot you, I don't want blood stains on my walls" I get up and put the gun back in my closet.

"I spoke to Alicia, I know something happened to you so you're scared to get close to me. My guess is an abusive ex, but I want you to trust me, I like you Rosie, I want to keep seeing you. What can I do to get you to trust me" he says sitting down on my bed

"An abusive ex, wow, full of guesses aren't you Reaper" I say crossing my arms and leaning against the wall

"well no, I'm not running from an abusive ex, I've never actually had a boyfriend and I don't want one because I do not do relationships. As soon as it turns into a relationship and everyone's happy it turns to shit."

He stands up and walks over to me placing his hands on my crossed arms

"Ok, you don't have to tell me, I don't care, but if you've never had a relationship how can you say their bad? Whatever you're basing this on doesn't define every relationship. What if I make you a deal?" He says moving my arms to my side and putting his hands on my hips. I look at him curiously

"The deal is, you let me date you, cuddle you and of course fuck you, I show you what a relationship is like but if at any point you don't want it all you have to do is sit down and explain what you don't like and I'll walk away" I take a deep breath and think for a second before I'm interrupted by sirens outside my house. I go up to the window and see officer Peterson walking up to my house. I open the window and make sure my breasts are on show

"Afternoon Officer Petey, how you doing today?" I ask twirling my hair in my finger hanging out of my bedroom window

"We had reports of gunfire, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?" He looks up to me, but not my eyes, my boobs

"Oh boy Officer Petey, I'm so sorry if I scared anyone, I was cleaning my licenced handgun and didn't realise there was one in the chamber, it went off in my hands" I say holding a hand over my mouth in fake shock

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