Chapter 16

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It's been two days. Two days since Jerry took me. I fought as best I could but he stabbed me, I couldn't fight after that. I woke up the following morning in this 'cell' I say cell but I can't believe where he is keeping me. I'm in a mother fucking trailer, in the mother fucking desert. I'm about 4 miles from my usual hiding place, fucking idiot. I'm just waiting for my opportunity and I'm out of here, I know this area like the back of my hand. Ok I'm not completely sure I can walk but fuck it, I got myself in this mess I'll get myself out.

The windows have all been blacked out, but poorly, so I can still see out through a gap in the window to my left. I can see two more trailers on that side, Jerry is staying in one of those. There are two men at the trailer door, one outside Jerrys trailer and I've seen three men going in and out of the third trailer. So that totals 6 and then Jerry, it's tough, but doable. Two of the guys gave me a pretty good beating last night, one of my eyes is swollen shut, my nose is definitely broken, as is my left arm. The stab wound Jerry gave me in my right shoulder stopped bleeding eventually. My arms and legs are covered in bruises and I imagine my face is too, my long black hair tainted red by the blood I've spilled. I hear a noise and look to my trusty gap, spotting an SUV pulling up outside the third trailer. The three men walk out and get in the SUV, the man guarding Jerrys trailer follows them and the SUV speeds off. That leaves me, Jerry and two guys, this is my chance! I stand up and feel pain shoot through my legs, but I can take it while I get the fuck out of here. I head to the door and hide behind the counter to the right of it

"Oh my god, the bleeding, I'm going to die" I scream at the top of my lungs in my Officer Petey voice. The door flies open and the two men charge in, I don't bother waiting for the first guy to turn around before I slam my leg up between his leg and slam his balls into his body. He lets out a loud groan and falls to the floor. The second man turns and looks to his friend on the floor then to me. I can only fight with my right arm but fuck it if I won't.

I slam my fist into his throat, then my foot into his balls, he falls down. I go to the first man and grab his hair in my fist. I slam his head into the trailer floor until the floor is broken and he's unconscious. I go to the second man and repeat the process. Ok Jerry, just you and me. He still hasn't emerged from his trailer and I'd like to keep it that way. I head out of the trailer and my suspicions are confirmed, I'm 4 miles from my spot. I need to get there, I buried an emergency bag there, not that I'm a doomsday prepper, but hey I'm glad I did it now.

Damn it's hard running in this heat but I'm almost there, my whole body is in pain, I'm severely dehydrated and I can feel I've lost a lot of blood. Almost there Rosie, keep going. I am not looking forward to seeing Reaper, he'll be doing a told-ya-so dance for weeks after this. The whole time I was locked in that trailer all I did was think, think about my Mom, think about Alicia, Nathan and Alex, but more than anything else I thought about Reaper. He's not a bang and bail. I feel things for him, things I've never felt for anyone. I want him and not just for sex, I've never wanted a man for anything other than sex.

Finally I made it. I head to where I buried the bag and start digging with my right arm. I find it and pull it out the dirt. I open it up and pull out the gun, I put that in the waistband of my jeans, I grab a bottle of water and drink it in one. I pull out the bottle of Jack, it's to help with the pain, honest. I tie the bag back up and throw it over my shoulder. I just need to walk now, walk to the road, walk to the diner and use the phone to get Nathan to come and get me. I need to be careful in case that SUV comes back and spots me, Jerry will have raised the alarm by now.

I make it to the road and start walking, hiding every time a vehicle passes in case it's them. The sun is beginning to set when I make it to the diner. I walk into the diner and everyone stops to look at me

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