Chapter 19

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We've been standing outside of this room for an hour now. At first I was watching her through the small window in the door but that was covered with blood a while ago. With one hand she's making these grown men scream louder than I've ever heard, and I'm not exactly innocent myself.

"Every song she's playing is from WWE. Fuck You for getting this girl before I did" Grinder says with a sick grin on his face. Grinder has been known for his methods of torture. His weapon of choice is an angle grinder.

Sick Puppies - You're going down begins to play and the once deafening screams are drowned out by the music.

"Fuck this" Grinder says opening the door. He pulls a rag from his pocket and wipes the window before shutting the door again

"Your girl is fucking sick, I fucking love it" Grinder says. I step forward and look through the window. The scene in front of me would make Dexter blush. Rosie is dancing along with the music. Every wall is coated in blood, Rosie is coated in blood and the two barely recognisable bodies on the floor are barely moving. She moves over to the table and pulls out a long blade. Walks over to the men and grips Mateo by his hair and runs the knife across the bloody skin of his neck. Blood sprays across the floor as Mateo takes his final gasp of air. She drops his lifeless head to the ground and moves to Sebastian repeating the process. He drops to the floor dead and Rosie moves over to the table, wipes the blood from her knife and slides it back into place. She turns off her music and walks towards the door. I open it and she steps out

"I think I need a shower" she says before walking back towards the armoury.

"You two clean this up" I say before following Rosie. I walk into my room and hear the shower running. I walk into the bathroom and she's in the shower fully clothed.

"Hey Daddy, help me get these clothes off" she says turning to look at me. The evil in her eyes has gone and the beautiful, deep, pale blue orbs have returned.

I take off my shirt and jeans and step into the shower, I help her take her clothes off and get clean. I help her get dressed into clean jeans and a tank top before putting my clothes back on.

"I think I need a new cast" she says holding her left arm up, the once white cast now stained in the blood she spilled and damaged by the shower.

We head down to the bar where Shotgun and Cueball are easing their gunshot wounds with whiskey.

"Doc around?" I ask as I head to the bar and grab a beer for me and Rosie.

"Yeah he's just cleaning up in the back" Shotgun replies.

"I'm proud of you Kiddo" Machete says walking into the bar and pulling Rosie into a hug. Machete is nearly 50, but you wouldn't know. He's a very big man with long blond hair and a blond beard. He's had several wives over the years, but no kids. He took me in at 12, so he's like a father to me and I know he's growing to think of Rosie as a Daughter.

"I just went down and checked it out for myself. Damn proud Kiddo" he says pulling away

"Thanks Machete" she says, Wait is that a blush? I never thought I would see her blush. She looks so cute and innocent. Nothing like the demon down in the cells. Doc walks back into the room

"Hey Rosie, have fun?" He asks walking towards her

"I think I need a new cast" she says holding out her left arm.

"I thought you would, have a seat" he says pointing to the table in the corner. Doc cuts off her cast and begins applying a new one

"Where's Alex?" She asks taking her eyes from her arm.

Whole Lotta Rosie ( MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now